
La contamination des organismes aquatiques par la chlordécone : quels impacts sur leur santé ?

Schœlcher 18 juin 2019


Chlordecone is a persistent organochlorine pesticide widely used between 1972 and 1993 in the French West Indies to control the root borer in banana fields. Chlordecone use resulted in long-term pollution of soils, contamination of waters, of aquatic organisms, and of fields. Chlordecone is known to be neurotoxic, to increase prostate cancer, and to have negative effects on cognitive and motor development during infancy. In Guadeloupe, most of the freshwater species living in contaminated rivers exceed the French legal limit of 20 ?g·kg?1 wet weight. In the present study (ANR MACHLOMA), we chose a transcriptomic approach to study the cellular effects of chlordecone in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, an important economical species in Guadeloupe.


Organisation Université des Antilles (2015-....), Schœlcher, 18 juin 2019
Vidéo - Colloque & conférence