A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Y Z 0-9
Afficher le document T8 - development control policy statement
Afficher le document Tadjah
Afficher le document The Tadjah
Afficher le document Taino sites in Trelawny: a re-examination and appraisal
Afficher le document Take Pan to the University
Afficher le document Taking Our Carnival Worldwide
Afficher le document Taking Pan Back to the People a Success
Afficher le document Taking Pan to a Higher Level: Joylanders Get an NGC Boost
Afficher le document Taking Pitch from the Lake to the Wharf, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Taking up the Challenges of Designing Indigenous Planning Laws. Caribbean Planning Law Workshop Proceedings.
Afficher le document A Tale of 2 Math Teachers
Afficher le document A Tale of Two Cities
Afficher le document [Talipot Palms]
Afficher le document Talipot Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document “Talk Builds Communities”
Afficher le document Talks On For Steelbands to Tour US
Afficher le document Tamarind
Afficher le document Tamarind
Afficher le document Tamarind
Afficher le document Tamarins des Indes
Afficher le document Tamarins des Indes
Afficher le document T and T Engineer Develops Pan Arrangement Software
Afficher le document TandT Music Pioneers Honoured in New York
Afficher le document A tank farm (oil) Trinidad
Afficher le document [Tapia hut]
Afficher le document Tapping into Sustainability: Issues and Trends in Gender Mainstreaming in Water and Sanitation. A Background Document for the Gender and Water Session 3rd Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2003.
Afficher le document Tarradath: Teachers Criticise Students with Interest in Pan
Afficher le document T.A.S.P.O.
Afficher le document TASPO Can Go Right On Top as a Musical Force - Will Trinidad Give it the Chance
Afficher le document TASPO Given Rousing Send Off; Promise to Justify Appreciation of Public
Afficher le document TASPO Makes Hit in Paris
Afficher le document Taspo Members to be Celebrated in Britain
Afficher le document TASPO Member to Join Band in England
Afficher le document TASPO Member to Marry P-of-S Nurse Shortly
Afficher le document TASPO Plans Trip to Europe Next Year
Afficher le document TASPO Scores Initial Success at Festival
Afficher le document [Tawah]
Afficher le document Taxonomic status and nitrogen fixing characteristics of pigeonpea nodulating rhizobia in Trinidad
Afficher le document Taxonomy and bio-diversity of Jamaica's arctiid moths (Lepidoptera: arctiidae)
Afficher le document Taxonomy of Jamaican dragonflies (odonata: anisoptera) with notes on their distribution and ecology
Afficher le document Taxonomy of the Jamaican Owlets Moths (Lepidoptera: Nactuidae)
Afficher le document TCL Group and Skiffle Bunch Steel Orchestra…Celebrating 25 Years of a Sound Relationship
Afficher le document Teacher Absenteeism
Afficher le document Teacher and administrator perceptions of school based management on the impact of school effectiveness in a government secondary school
Afficher le document The Teacher as Revolutionary
Afficher le document Teacher attrition: a case study
Afficher le document Teacher attrition and staff turnover: a study of four parishes in Eastern Jamaica
Afficher le document Teacher classroom practices at the Standard Three level in two schools in West Port of Spain and Environs Education District: Two case studies
Afficher le document Teacher Concerns About Implementation of the eConnect and Learn (eCAL) Initiative at a Co-Educational Denominational Secondary School in the North Eastern Educational District
Afficher le document Teacher Education and Regional Hegemony
Afficher le document Teacher Education and the “Good Teacher”
Afficher le document Teacher education and the nature of science: An investigation into three in-service primary school teachers' beliefs about the nature of science and their pedagogical competencies in integrating the nature of science through a model for professional development
Afficher le document Teacher educators: Transforming a classroom of practice through critical pedagogy [PowerPoint presentation]
Afficher le document Teacher leadership: Are Jamaican schools ready to embrace the concept? [PowerPoint presentation]
Afficher le document Teacher learning in an online social networking website
Afficher le document Teacher led early childhood innovations and practice implemented at an early childhood care and development training site in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study
Afficher le document Teacher participation in English curriculum development
Afficher le document Teacher perception and expectation as correlates of student performance in Jamaican new secondary schools
Afficher le document Teacher perceptions of the relationship between daily classroom practice and the development of students' thinking skills at a denominational secondary school
Afficher le document Teacher perceptions on [sic] the relationship between pupil discipline and corporal punishment in four primary schools in an Educational District in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher perceptions on [sic] the relationship between pupil discipline and corporal punishment in four primary schools in an educational district in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher perceptions on the implementation of the National Continuous Assessment Programme in a primary school in the St. George East Education District in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher perceptions on the implementation of the national Continuous Assessment Programme in a primary school in the St. George East Education District in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher Performance in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher performance in two educational districts in the secondary school sector of Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher Performance Revisited
Afficher le document Teacher professional development and teacher performance in a secondary school
Afficher le document Teacher Professionalism in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teacher ratings as a means of screening for gifted learners in Jamaican primary schools
Afficher le document Teachers' and principals' perceptions of the teacher performance appraisal system in selected schools
Afficher le document Teachers’ and students’ perception of the relationship [between] teacher’s instructional language and students’ expression of content
Afficher le document Teachers' and students' perceptions of why some students struggle to read: A case study
Afficher le document Teachers as Learners
Afficher le document Teachers as Professionals
Afficher le document Teachers’ Attitudes and the Implementation of a Curriculum Innovation During Its Early Stages at a Primary School in Central Trinidad: A Case Study
Afficher le document Teachers’ Attitudes and the Implementation of a Curriculum Innovation During Its Early Stages at a Primary School in Central Trinidad: A Case Study
Afficher le document Teachers' attitude to educational change: response to the R.O.S.E. innovation
Afficher le document Teachers' conceptions of assessment and its impact on classroom practices: A case study
Afficher le document Teachers' conceptions of geography and the geography teaching-learning process as they implement the CAPE Curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers' Concerns About Implementing Instructional Supervision
Afficher le document Teachers' Concerns About Implementing Instructional Supervision
Afficher le document Teachers' concerns about the CAPE Communication Studies innovation
Afficher le document Teachers' concerns about the CAPE Communication Studies innovation
Afficher le document Teachers’ concerns about the CXC Additional Mathematics innovation
Afficher le document Teachers' concerns about the implementation of authentic assessment: Case study with phenomenological underpinnings
Afficher le document Teachers' concerns about the implementation of the primary school social studies curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers' concerns about the revised CAPE Communication Studies curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers’ concerns, challenges and coping strategies: Implementing CVQs at Baker Secondary School in Central Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers’ Experiences Implementing the Continuous Assessment Component (CAC) of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) at a Primary School Facing Challenging Circumstances
Afficher le document Teachers’ Experiences in Implementing a Curriculum Change in One Primary School
Afficher le document Teachers’ Experiences in Implementing a Curriculum Change in One Primary School
Afficher le document Teachers' experiences in the implementation of the technology education curriculum in one secondary school in the St. George East District in Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' experiences in the implementation of the technology education curriculum in one secondary school in the St. George East District in Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' instructional strategies and perceptions of their knowledge and use
Afficher le document Teachers' issues: A case for mental health [PowerPoint presentation]
Afficher le document Teachers' locus of control
Afficher le document Teachers’ non-use of ICT based instruction: A case study of a rural primary school in East Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' perceived leadership behaviour of principals and morale in a selected sample of schools
Afficher le document Teachers' perceived leadership behaviour of principals and teachers' performance in a sample of fifty all-age schools in rural and urban Jamaica
Afficher le document Teachers' perception and implementation of the instructional strategies of the ROSE Social Studies curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers' perception of inclusion
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions about lifelong learning and the instructional opportunities they provide to students, through the teaching of CAPE's Communication Studies
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions about the implementing of Universal Secondary Education (USE) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of affective education in a secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of affective education in a secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of school-based curriculum development for meeting students' needs in Spanish
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the contribution of information and communication technology to the teaching of Modern Studies, using an integrated system, in an urban secondary school
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the contribution of information and communication technology to the teaching of modern studies, using an integrated system, in an urban secondary school
Afficher le document Teachers' Perceptions of the Curriculum Integration Process in VAPA
Afficher le document Teachers' Perceptions of the Curriculum Integration Process in VAPA
Afficher le document Teachers’ Perceptions of the eConnect and Learn Programme for Enhancing Teaching and Learning at a Secondary School: A Case Study
Afficher le document Teachers’ Perceptions of the eConnect and Learn Programme for Enhancing Teaching and Learning at a Secondary School: A Case Study
Afficher le document Teachers’ Perceptions of the Enablers and Barriers to the Development of Student Creativity in the Implementation of the SEMP Technology Education Curriculum: A Multiple Cases Study of Serenity High
Afficher le document Teachers’ perceptions of the factors that contribute to students’ underperformance in comprehension
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the factors that contribute to the non-implementation of the music curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the impact a professional learning community can have on teaching and learning in a rural secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of a literacy programme in a SEMP school in the St. George East District in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the implementation of the Trinidad and Tobago national mathematics curriculum
Afficher le document Teachers’ perceptions of their experiences with the integration of students with special educational needs into the regular classrooms at Excel Primary School: A hermeneutic-phenomenological inquiry
Afficher le document Teachers’ perceptions of the teaching of reading at the Infant level: A case study
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of the usefulness of their professional development experiences and the relevance of these experiences to their practice
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions of training needs and competence in elementary school Mathematics
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions on academic recovery through educational therapy: A therapeutic intervention in three co-educational government schools in North Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions on academic recovery through educational therapy: A therapeutic intervention in three co-educational government schools in North Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' perceptions on the use and effectiveness of the reward and punishment system in Caroni Educational District
Afficher le document Teachers’ Perspectives of the Factors Influencing the Implementation of the E-CAL Curriculum Innovation
Afficher le document Teachers’ Perspectives on the Implementation of the eCAL Curriculum Change Teaching Technology Education at the Form Two Level at a Government Owned, Five Year Secondary School in Sub-Urban South Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' professional growth: Examining the effect of teacher maturity on LOC orientation
Afficher le document Teachers' professional growth: Examining the effect of teacher maturity on LOC orientation
Afficher le document Teachers’ strategies in teaching reading: A case study of a small rural school in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Teachers, technology, and primary science: An investigation into primary teachers' perceptions of, and competencies in, integrating information and communincations technology in science education through a model for professional development
Afficher le document Teacher/student responsibility in foreign language (French) learning in an era of technological change
Afficher le document Teachers' understanding of inclusive education and the influence this understanding has on their pedagogical practice at a primary school in Port of Spain, Trinidad
Afficher le document Teachers' views of quality teaching/learning at the infant level in a new primary school
Afficher le document Teachers’ voices as readers: What teachers say about their reading experiences and its impact on their teaching: A phenomenological case study
Afficher le document Teacher training in Barbados - 1840s to 1970
Afficher le document Teacher turnover and its relationship to student performance in selected subject areas in CXC and GCE examinations in Jamaica high schools
Afficher le document Teaching about religions: "Playing for change"
Afficher le document Teaching and Vocation
Afficher le document Teaching English as a second language: improving listening and speaking proficiency of adult Spanish-speakers using a communicative approach
Afficher le document Teaching English for communication purposes in a medical context
Afficher le document Teaching-for-thinking: the implementation of thinking-focused pedagogy in two grade 8 mathematics classrooms in Jamaica
Afficher le document Teaching for Understanding
Afficher le document Teaching integrated science through the use of interactive worksheets
Afficher le document Teaching Language Arts With Vice-Y Verse-Y Love
Afficher le document Teaching methods and the new history
Afficher le document Teaching music to the deaf and hearing impaired
Afficher le document Teaching of Chemistry with special reference to Organic Chemistry at secondary schools and university in Jamaica
Afficher le document Teaching of language through literature and literary extracts
Afficher le document The teaching of listening comprehension as a FL skill from a critical pedagogy perspective: From listening comprehension to critical listening
Afficher le document Teaching of literature in the primary school: teachers' perceptions and practice
Afficher le document Teaching of Social Studies in three medium sized primary schools in Couva
Afficher le document Teaching of Spanish with comic strips: exploring learner interaction with extra-textbook materials
Afficher le document Teaching Outside the Textbook
Afficher le document Teaching practices of nurse educators in post-basic nursing programmes and students' reactions to these practices
Afficher le document Teaching primary science in a Jamaican primary school: through the eyes of the grade six teacher
Afficher le document Teaching programming using visualization
Afficher le document Teaching programming using visualization
Afficher le document Teaching Sexuality and Sexual Health Education at a Rural Government Primary School in the North Eastern Education District: Teachers’ Concerns
Afficher le document Teaching Sexuality and Sexual Health Education at a Rural Government Primary School in the North Eastern Education District: Teachers’ Concerns
Afficher le document Teaching Standard English in the Trinidadian classroom thirty years after the Carrington-Borely report: A survey of recent trends and influences
Afficher le document Teaching Then and Now
Afficher le document Teaching with WebQuests
Afficher le document Tea for Two by Alfred Pragnell
Afficher le document Tea for Two by Alfred Pragnell Sample
Afficher le document Teague: Music Literacy No Must For Pannists
Afficher le document Teague Takes Pan in New Directions
Afficher le document Team teaching at the primary level: Insights into current practice in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and its integration into general education at the university level
Afficher le document Technical barriers to trade : improving the trade related capacity of small and medium enterprises in the beverage sector of Trinidad and Tobago to export to the European market
Afficher le document Technical Guide on How to Make a Town Planning Application to Construct or Expand Building for Commercial Use.
Afficher le document Technical-vocational education and youth unemployment in Barbados
Afficher le document Technological Citizenship
Afficher le document Technologies of operating system virtualization and storage area networks - To change a company's IT operations to meet organizational goals
Afficher le document Technology adoption in law enforcement in a developing country : an action research investigation of the Jamaica Constabulary Force
Afficher le document Technology and productivity change in the Jamaican sugar industry, 1760-1830
Afficher le document Technology and Schools
Afficher le document Technology Education for All
Afficher le document Technology in schools: Teachers' perception about the factors that impede information and communication technology (ICT) use in the teaching/learning process at a rural primary school
Afficher le document Technology in the Classroom
Afficher le document Tectonic and structural controls of magma genesis in the Lesser Antilles
Afficher le document Tectonics of the regionally metamorphosed rocks of Eastern Jamaica
Afficher le document Teenage mothers returning to the secondary school system: Insights into challenges and associated issues
Afficher le document Telecollaboration in Spanish as a Foreign Language Learning in Trinidad
Afficher le document Telecommunications and information for health
Afficher le document Televised portrayals of violence: impact on juveniles in Jamaica
Afficher le document Teleworking the mobile Caribbean : enabling remote work among the marginalized in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Telling her own story: female identity in Jean Rhys and Margaret Laurence
Afficher le document Temporal variation in the sediment budgets of West Coast fringing reefs, Barbados
Afficher le document Temporary symbiosis between benthic macro-algae and gorgonian corals
Afficher le document Tenantry system in Barbados: aspects of the law relating to plantation and non-plantation tenements of small agricultural holdings, house-spots and dwelling houses
Afficher le document Tendencias recientes en los procesos de reforma del sector salud en América Latina y el Caribe
Afficher le document [Tending Sugarcane]
Afficher le document Tenth Commemorative Session, 6 - 16th April. A New Agenda for Human Settlements. A Report of the Executive Director.
Afficher le document Tenure insecurity and the growth of informal settlements on peri-urban land: a case study of River Estate, Diego Martin, Trinidad
Afficher le document Ten-year retrospective study of the epidemiological and economic aspects of corrosive substance ingestion in children admitted to the BHC and UHWI (1986-1995)
Afficher le document Teratogenicity of hypoglycin-A: some morphological and biochemical aspects
Afficher le document Ternary Acid Base polymer electrolyte membrane having polystyrene
Afficher le document Terpene and steroid transformations by whetzelinia, phanerochaete and cunninghamella spp.
Afficher le document Terre Des Hommes (Man and His World)
Afficher le document A territorial perspective : towards the consolidation of human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean
Afficher le document Tertiary education in evolution - Tenth Dr. Alister Francis Memorial Lecture
Afficher le document Tertiary Level Education for Athletes
Afficher le document Tesoro lunch at Trinidad Hilton - 23rd September 1969.
Afficher le document Tesoro lunch at Trinidad Hilton - 23rd September 1969.
Afficher le document [Testing and commssioning at Usine Ste Madeleine]
Afficher le document Testing of a synchronous machine using the LPII-K twin microprocessor module and the PDPII-34 minicomputer
Afficher le document Testing of various turbine/exciter models for transient stability studies in the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
Afficher le document Testing Thinking Skills
Afficher le document Tests of normality and symmetry of distributions
Afficher le document Tetanus requiring intensive care in Jamaica
Afficher le document Tetranortriterpenoids from Jamaican Meliaceae and Rutaceae
Afficher le document Tetron Bay
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tetron Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Texaco Refinery, Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Texting and sexting among Jamaican youths: Educational, social, psychological and legal impacts [PowerPoint presentation]
Afficher le document Thanks For Pan Theatre, Mr. Singh
Afficher le document [Thanksgiving and retirement function]
Afficher le document That Bradley Magic Will be Hard to Beat
Afficher le document Thatched hut, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document "That little shadow of property and freedom": urban slave society in Jamaica, 1780-1834
Afficher le document That Steelpan Talent
Afficher le document "The Achievement of Sustainable Development in the Caribbean" 5th Consulatative Meeting on Environment, NGOs and the IDB, 30th May - 1st June.
Afficher le document Theatre of motivation: an interpretation of the contemporary plays of T.S. Eliot
Afficher le document “The best thing created since sliced bread…” – Our journey toward blended learning
Afficher le document "The Five Islands", Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document "The Haven Hotel", Man-of-War Bay, Charlotteville, Tobago
Afficher le document "The Hollows" Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Thematic analysis of the contemporary indigenista narrative in Mexico and Guatemala
Afficher le document Theme and form in St. Lucian playwriting, 1950-1995
Afficher le document Theme of urbanization and cultural transformation in West Indian literature
Afficher le document Themes and metaphors in the autobiographical narratives of new sector secondary teachers in Trinidad and Tobago: A case study
Afficher le document A theo-ethical reflection on the emancipatory motifs of exodus and exile in the Hagar slave saga: challenging the concept of power
Afficher le document Theoretical investigation into variable valve timing of a camless four-stroke spark ignition reciprocating piston engine
Afficher le document Theoretical Study of Dispersion in Unsteady Casson Fluid Flow
Afficher le document “The Organ” Gasparee Caves, Trinidad
Afficher le document Theory and applications of entangled photons
Afficher le document "The Palms" on the Savannah, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document "The Palms" on the Savannah, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document "The Palms" on the Savannah, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document "The Price of Land for Housing in Trinidad: The Role of Regulatory Constraints and Implications for Affordability". Urban Studies, Vol 35, No. 2, 285 - 299.
Afficher le document "The Quality of Life in a Low Income Urban Community: The Case of Beetham Gardens in Trinidad and Tobago". Trabjo, Vivenda y Condiciones de vida en El Contexto Urbano de America Central, Mexico y Caribe.
Afficher le document There is Reward in Pan, Says BJ
Afficher le document There's a Kinda Hush… All Over Our Multicultural World
Afficher le document There Will be Time Enough for Laughter
Afficher le document Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of four trinidadian soils as affected by peat content
Afficher le document Thermal Conductivity of some compacted Trinidadian Soils as affected by Peat Content
Afficher le document Thermal instability of a viscoelastic (Maxwell) fluid layer heated from below with internal heat generation
Afficher le document Thermal performance enhancement of low cost tropical roofing via affordable passive strategies
Afficher le document Thermal performance of a simultaneous charging and discharging packed bed energy storage system
Afficher le document Thermal processing and rheological characterization of canned pumpkin puree
Afficher le document Thermal properties of reservior rocks and fluids in the Southern Basin of Trinidad
Afficher le document They're Trying to Steal the Pan
Afficher le document Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking
Afficher le document "Think not how Arima is insignificant to the world but how the world is insignificant to Arima" : the role of cultural heritage in supporting community and sense of place in the borough of Arima, Trinidad
Afficher le document Third World government policies and foreign capital: the case of Jamaica 1972-1988
Afficher le document Third World Tops in South
Afficher le document Third year nursing students [sic] use of problem based learning as a teaching/learning strategy: A mixed methods study
Afficher le document Thirty-two channel integrated voice and data multiplexer
Afficher le document This Could Be Invaders' Year
Afficher le document This Land of Ours – Hosay “Flag Night”
Afficher le document This Land of Ours – Hosay “Flag Night”
Afficher le document This Time Mr Goddard is Right
Afficher le document "This too shall pass": The perceptions of teachers at a government secondary school towards teaching a visually-impaired student at the CSEC level in the context of inclusive education in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Thorny problem of gender inequality and leadership in the Jamaican church, 1944-2002: a case study of six women
Afficher le document Three component model of organizational commitment and turnover intentions: an empirical investigation in Trinidad
Afficher le document Three environments - three experiences: the Reform of Secondary Education (ROSE)
Afficher le document [Three little children]
Afficher le document Three modern language teachers' perceptions of the influence of the Diploma in Education experience on their sense of professional identity and classroom practice
Afficher le document Three month study of parasuicide presenting in Kingston, Jamaica
Afficher le document Through the bamboos, Trinidad
Afficher le document Through the eyes of boys : male academic underachievement in secondary schools -- a case study in County Victoria, Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Through the forest, Matura Road
Afficher le document Through the lens of gender: a revisionary reading of the novels of Samuel Selvon and George Lamming
Afficher le document Through The Years 83-02-08
Afficher le document Through The Years 83-02-08 Sample
Afficher le document TIDCO's New Jumbie: Reclaiming the Steelpan's Birthright - Born and Bred in TandT
Afficher le document Tiger Worshipers
Afficher le document Tigress
Afficher le document Tilapia mariculture: biological, environmental and economical feasibility
Afficher le document Tilting of Trinidad
Afficher le document Time's Ripe for a Steelband Institute
Afficher le document Time's Ripe for Pan Development Foundation
Afficher le document A time to fish, San Fernando
Afficher le document TiO2 Nanotubes based composite polymer electrolytes for Fuel cells
Afficher le document [Tipping the sugar cane]
Afficher le document Tips on preparing and presenting research proposal PPT: Graduate seminar [PowerPoint]
Afficher le document Tissue culture propagation of Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott
Afficher le document Tlatelolco platform on environment and development
Afficher le document To achieve the sustainable development of the food crop sector in Trinidad by implement efficient and effective risk mitigation strategies
Afficher le document To analyze how the rise in food prices has affected households in Trinidad
Afficher le document To assess fast food consumption amongst the University of the West Indies Students (19 - 30 years) and to assess possible relationship between obesity and being overweight
Afficher le document To assess fast food consumption amongst the University of the West Inides Students (19 - 30 years) and to assess possible relationship between obesity and being overweight
Afficher le document To assess the level of preparedness of teachers to address and teach health and sexuality issues including HIV/AIDS prevention in the classroom
Afficher le document Tobacco : a variety trial : the effect of potash manuring on yield and quality
Afficher le document Tobacco : a variety trial : the effect of potash manuring on yield and quality
Afficher le document Tobacco growing in the West Indies
Afficher le document Tobacco growing in the West Indies
Afficher le document Tobacco growing in Trinidad
Afficher le document Tobacco growing in Trinidad
Afficher le document Tobacco in Trinidad
Afficher le document Tobacco in Trinidad
Afficher le document Tobacco seedlings in Trinidad : certain aspects of production and transplanting
Afficher le document Tobacco seedlings in Trinidad : certain aspects of production and transplanting
Afficher le document Tobago
Afficher le document Tobago
Afficher le document Tobago
Afficher le document Tobago
Afficher le document Tobago and earthquakes
Afficher le document Tobago Bands Vie for Final Panorama Spots
Afficher le document Tobago - Barber
Afficher le document The Tobago Blue Food Festival's contribution to increased consumption and increased nutritional awareness of the Indigenous staple dasheen, among attendees of the festival
Afficher le document A Tobagonian family, Tobago, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tobago regional plan technical papers; no. TRP MAP 5 - Manufacturing.
Afficher le document Tobago, Robinson Crusoe’s island, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tobago Sets the Trend in Pan
Afficher le document Tobago sunrise
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Toco Lighthouse, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Toco Lighthouse, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document To compare the eating patterns and behaviours of teenage students and to determine whether there were gender differences
Afficher le document Toco, North Trinidad
Afficher le document Toco, North Trinidad
Afficher le document Toco, Trinidad
Afficher le document Toco, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document To design and layout a plant for the purpose of recycling high density polyethylene in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document To determine, from farmers perspective, the efficiency of the extension service in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document To determine if there is a significant difference in fruit intake between nutrition students and non-nutrition students at the University of the West Indies
Afficher le document To determine the age of onset of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and co-morbid state in suburban Jamaican community
Afficher le document To determine the relationship among self-esteem, reading level, reading attitude and self-efficacy
Afficher le document To discover the use of ICTS by first year and third year agribusiness students of the university of the West Indies
Afficher le document To evaluate sweet pepper varieties (Capsicum annuum) cultivated in Trinidad
Afficher le document To evaluate the economic benefits derived from the AgCelence effect of Bellis on tomato (Lycopericon esculentum mills)
Afficher le document To examine the perceptions of and barriers to healthy eating amongst adolescents ages 13-17.
Afficher le document To examine the perceptions of and barriers to healthy eating amongst adolescents ages 13-17
Afficher le document To greet you from Maracas Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document To identify supermarket opportunities and challenges for fresh fruit and vegetable farmers in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document To identify the factors that influence consumption of fruit and vegetable among students at the St. Augustine campus of the University of the West indies
Afficher le document To identify the factors that influence consumption of fruit and vegetables among students at the St. Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies
Afficher le document To investigate and identify the role of the Youth Apprenticeship Programme in Agriculture (YAPA) and the associated strengths and weaknesses in its development in promoting agriculture and food sustainability: a case study in the St. Patrick West County of Point Fortin in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document To investigate the fouling of a reverse osmosis Polyamide membrane
Afficher le document To Kill a Mockingbird
Afficher le document Tokyo Protest Panorama Placing
Afficher le document Tokyo Steel Protests Semis Placing
Afficher le document Tokyo to File Writ Against Pan Trinbago
Afficher le document Tomatoes
Afficher le document Tomato varietal screening for geminivirus using crop health therapy technology
Afficher le document "Toncan", Trinidad.
Afficher le document Too Many Pan Shows?
Afficher le document Too-Simple Ceremony Marks Tony Williams' 70th
Afficher le document Top Bands Make It to Semi-Finals of South Pan Show
Afficher le document Topics in nonlinear analysis
Afficher le document Top of Saddle Road, Trinidad
Afficher le document Top of Saddle Road, Trinidad
Afficher le document Topographical characteristics and electrical conductivity of some thin films deposited on polymeric and steel substrates
Afficher le document Total cancer care: a primary health concern in Jamaica
Afficher le document Total Economic Assessment of the Conservation of the Montego Bay Marine Park, Montego Bay Jamaica
Afficher le document Tourism and coastal resources degradation in the wider Caribbean : study for the United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean Environment Programme Regional Coordinating Unit Kingston Jamaica
Afficher le document Tourism and development: a case study of Negril-Jamaica
Afficher le document Tourism education from a relationship management perspective
Afficher le document Tourist Board Offers Annual Pan Festival
Afficher le document Tourist Board Told Move Now to Promote Steelbands
Afficher le document Tour of the Borough of San Fernando after a civic reception - 11th July 1959.
Afficher le document "Towards a A Caribbean Policy on Urban Forest: The Case of Kingston Jamaica". Workshop on Urbanization and Urban Planning in the Caribbean, December 5 - 7.
Afficher le document Towards a Bilingual Society
Afficher le document Towards Academic Library Support for Entrepreneurship: A Blueprint for Reinventing our Role
Afficher le document Towards a core curriculum for the training of adult educators in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Towards a critical framework for Jamaican literature : a reading of the fiction of Victor Stafford Reid and other Jamaican writers
Afficher le document Towards a culture of peace: teachers' use of and students' reactions to a curriculum for UNESCO associated schools
Afficher le document Towards a definition of the narrative in revolutionary Cuba
Afficher le document Towards a feminist perspective: the emergence of the women-female presentation, with a comparison of the male and female novelists in Indian literature
Afficher le document Towards a flow of funds accounting system for Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Towards a framework for examining the interrelationship between health and the economy
Afficher le document Towards a framework for the development of an intervention strategy for behaviour modification among adolescents at secondary school X
Afficher le document Towards a model for promoting youth in agriculture in the region
Afficher le document Towards a Model of Learning on Online Social Networking Sites [PowerPoint presentation]
Afficher le document Towards a More Affective Society
Afficher le document Towards an economic model of public sector employment in a Caribbean context
Afficher le document Towards a new measurement system (with particular reference to Trinidad and Tobago)
Afficher le document Towards an optimum exchange rate policy for Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Towards an understanding of export processing zones: the agency of the international division of labour
Afficher le document Towards an understanding of the struggles and the coping strategies of struggling readers
Afficher le document Towards a re-evaluation of the contribution of the West Indian peasantry: a case study of Tobago, 1900-1949
Afficher le document Towards a regional policy on the environment
Afficher le document Towards a theology of solidarity: the Jamaican Pentecostals
Afficher le document Towards a theory of Caribbean drama
Afficher le document Towards a theory of folklore communication: the paradigm of performance in two traditional ritual genres in Jamaica
Afficher le document Towards a transformative pedagogy: a hermeneutic - phenomenological investigation of creative people at work
Afficher le document Towards automatic highlights for cricket broadcasts
Afficher le document Towards a viable water utility in Jamaica. Social and Economic Studies. Vol.34, No.1, p.77-96.
Afficher le document Towards development of an air transportation logistic framework for a re-positioned economy : moving away from the "quasi-stationary" paradigm
Afficher le document Towards Educational Quality
Afficher le document Towards Educational Quality
Afficher le document Towards gender equality in selected Jamaican classrooms : the development and implementation of an intervention
Afficher le document Towards Integrated Curricula
Afficher le document Towards sustainable living: A community mobilization approach
Afficher le document Towards the design of a professional training programme: an examination of competencies underpinning the practice of health educators in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Towards the development of a model for improving employee readiness for corporate transformation
Afficher le document Towards the development of an optimal longterm structure and policy for the development of the local petrochemical industry
Afficher le document Towards the development of nutritional evaluation methodologies for tropical grasses using non-destructive chlorophyll techniques
Afficher le document 'Towards the establishment of a Regional Sustainability Fund for Caribbean SIDS'
Afficher le document Towards the reformulation and development of maintenance systems for two secondary school types: a collective case study
Afficher le document Towards understanding science culture nexus (SCN) among primary teachers and students : implications for school science in Jamaica
Afficher le document Toward sustainable and equitable development : sector strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean : an overview.
Afficher le document Toward sustainable development in the Americas, Summit Conference on Sustainable Development, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Afficher le document Toward the construction of an enterprise learning management system : The user management component
Afficher le document To what extent has violence contributed to stress among public health workers and its effect on public health care delivery in Jamaica
Afficher le document Town and Country Planning Act.
Afficher le document Town and Country Planning Ordinance.
Afficher le document Town Boundaries Act.
Afficher le document Town Hall and civic centre, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Town Hall, Port of Spain, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Town Hall, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Town Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad
Afficher le document The Town Hall, San Fernando,Trinidad
Afficher le document Town of Mandeville, Greeting from Jamaica, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Town of San Pedro, Belize
Afficher le document Toxic effects of selected insecticides on Jamaican red hybrid tilapia
Afficher le document Toxicity identification evaluation of produced water using Metamysidopsis insularis (Brattegard, 1970)
Afficher le document Toxicological and biological studies on Jamaican and other Caribbean populations of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) (Acarina: Ixodidade)
Afficher le document Toxicological impact of chloropyrifos on the Jamaican red hybrid tilapia in fresh and brackish water
Afficher le document Toxicology of pesticides on the larvae of two tropical amphibians, physalaemus pustulosus and bufo marinus
Afficher le document Toxic phytoplankton forms in natural and artificial systems
Afficher le document Trace elements in coastal sediments from Hellshire, Jamaica
Afficher le document Trace elements in the Jamaican diet: 1966, 1970, 1973
Afficher le document A tracer study of past students of the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Programme Level 1
Afficher le document Tracing CSEC Students Who Attended La Vega Secondary School for the Period 2008-2013 and Who Pursued the Vocational Area of Technical Drawing, to Learn About Their Further Education Development in TD as well as the Value of TD in the Workplace
Afficher le document Tracing CSEC Students Who Attended La Vega Secondary School for the Period 2008-2013 and Who Pursued the Vocational Area of Technical Drawing, to Learn About Their Further Education Development in TD as well as the Value of TD in the Workplace
Afficher le document Tracing the generation, distribution and use of income in Trinidad and Tobago using a general equilibrium framework
Afficher le document Tractor ploughing land for experimental plots at the University farm
Afficher le document Trade liberalisation and the energy sector.
Afficher le document Trade liberalization: the case of Trinidad and Tobago with a case study of the foreign used car market
Afficher le document Trade union organisation: a comparative study of trade unionism in the oil and sugar sectors
Afficher le document Traditional enactments of Trinidad: towards a third theater
Afficher le document Traditional Housing_Image2
Afficher le document Traditional rabbit farming in Tobago
Afficher le document Tradition and change in Indian literature, 20th century
Afficher le document Training in land and coastal use planning: case study Venezuela.
Afficher le document [Train lines]
Afficher le document [Tramcar]
Afficher le document [Tram cars on Frederick Street]
Afficher le document Tran-nitrosation and redox reactions involving some potent nitro-vasodilators
Afficher le document Transatlantic French line S/S Normandie
Afficher le document Transceiver design
Afficher le document Transcultural transmission in diasporic festivals : mas traditions in Brooklyn Labour Day and Notting Hill carnival
Afficher le document Transfer and transitioning: Students’ experiences in a secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Transfer matrices in general one-dimensional potentials
Afficher le document Transferring British planning law to the colonies: The case of the 1938 Trinidad Town and Regional Planning Ordinance. (photocopied from journal not in collection)
Afficher le document Transformations in the Trinidadian sugar industry : Caroni, state intervention and the sugar sub-sector in Trinidad: 1970-2005
Afficher le document Transforming education in the Caribbean: Are we ready for change?: Keynote presentation
Afficher le document Transforming Guyana's Economy While Combating Climate Change - A Low Carbon Development Strategy.
Afficher le document Transforming Our Classrooms
Afficher le document Transforming post-secondary education: a Caribbean perspective on the inclusion of students with disabilities
Afficher le document Transforming the traditional operational culture of the public service of Jamaica through the executive agency model concept : achievements, challenges and future prospects
Afficher le document A Transforming Vision
Afficher le document Transient analysis of underground cables
Afficher le document Transient and steady state behavior of a long submarine cable
Afficher le document The transition from early childhood education to primary school: A study of transitional practices used by early childhood teachers in South Trinidad
Afficher le document Transition from primary school to secondary school
Afficher le document Transition practices at a primary school and preschool: An investigation into the transition practices that exist at a government assisted primary school and its main feeder ECCE centre in the Port of Spain and Environs Education District
Afficher le document Translating “Caring” in School Contexts
Afficher le document Translating the trust
Afficher le document Transnationalisation of Caribbean music: capitalism and cultural intertextuality
Afficher le document Transport and storage experiments with avocado pears from Grenada
Afficher le document Transport and storage experiments with solo papaya
Afficher le document Transport Aspects of Georgetown Development Plan and Short-term Improvements. Report By E.B. Marstrand - UN Consultant.
Afficher le document Transportation of sugarcane
Afficher le document Transportation of sugarcane
Afficher le document Transportation planning : Trinidad
Afficher le document Transportation study for the Port of Spain land use plan 1985 to 1995
Afficher le document Transport, mechanical and optical properties of multilayer films
Afficher le document Transport Plan For Guyana - Draft Copy.
Afficher le document Trauma and exile: a torturous journey to selfhood in selected novels by Caribbean women writers
Afficher le document Trauma in children presenting at the Bustamante Hospital for Children
Afficher le document Trauma in children presenting at the University Hospital of the West Indies in January and February 1996
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Botanical Gardens, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm Tree, Botanic Garden, St. Anns, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm Tree, Botanic Garden, St. Anns, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document Travellers' Palm, Trinidad
Afficher le document Traveller's Palm, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Travelling Vendor, Port of Spain
Afficher le document Treasury and General Post Office Port of Spain, Trinidad
Afficher le document Treasury and Post Office, B.W.I. 18
Afficher le document Treasury and Post Office, Trinidad B.W.I. 18
Afficher le document Treatment of domestic grey waste water using upflow filters
Afficher le document Treatment of metals in laboratory wastes with ordinary Portland cement
Afficher le document Treatment of the mixed marriage in selected works of George Lamming, Frank Hercules and Joyce Gladwell
Afficher le document Treatment of water-based paint process wastewater
Afficher le document The Tree Boa (Corallus enydris) on Trinidad and Tobago.
Afficher le document Tree crops display
Afficher le document Tree in Botanical Gardens, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tree Parasites, Trinidad
Afficher le document Tree parasites, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tree parasites, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trends and issues in technology education in the USA: Lessons for the Caribbean
Afficher le document Trevor Rhone: the comic vision
Afficher le document Trials on the effect of levels of ridging and mulching on the yields of vegetable crops in the wet and dry seasons, with particular reference to the moisture conditions of the soil
Afficher le document Trials on the effect of levels of ridging and mulching on the yields of vegetable crops in the wet and dry seasons, with particular reference to the moisture conditions of the soil
Afficher le document Tribute To a Musical Genius
Afficher le document Tribute to a 'Silver Star': New Generation Steel Orchestra Salutes Founder
Afficher le document Tribute to Dr. Greene
Afficher le document A Tribute to Estella Scott-Roberts: Advocate, Victim, National Icon
Afficher le document A Tribute to Old Barbados Erdiston School
Afficher le document A Tribute to Old Barbados Erdiston School Sample
Afficher le document Tribute to Rev. Dr. Kortright Davis
Afficher le document A tribute to Rex
Afficher le document Trichuris trichiura infection, growth and development in Jamaican children
Afficher le document Trilogies of Edward Kamau Brathwaite as post-colonial discourse
Afficher le document Trinbago Charges National Award Discrimination
Afficher le document Trincity Home for Pan Trinbago
Afficher le document Trindad Beach
Afficher le document Trindad Beach
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad, 21 Oct. 1915
Afficher le document Trinidad. After a day’s work. Hindu charcoal sellers
Afficher le document Trinidad. After a day’s work. Hindu charcoal sellers
Afficher le document Trinidad - A Governor Tree
Afficher le document Trinidad : a Hindu temple on the outskirts of Port of Spain showing a priest in the gateway
Afficher le document [Trinidad: a list of the lovely vegetation]
Afficher le document Trinidad, All Palm, Botanic Gardens
Afficher le document Trinidad, a native hut
Afficher le document Trinidad and the West African nexus during the nineteenth century
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago,19th October 1916
Afficher le document The Trinidad and Tobago Ambulance
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago: Black pudding
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, British West Indies
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago (British West Indies)
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I., Alcoa Bauxite - C5807
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, B.W.I., Queen's Park Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago: Callaloo
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago: Crab and dumpling
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago Election Memorabilia: guide
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago Models for Planning, Management and Development of Existing or Potential Growth Centres.
Afficher le document The Trinidad and Tobago National Council of Parent Teacher Associations as a stakeholder in education: An evaluation of two of their programs
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago National Settlements Program Second stage.
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago oil industry: a case study of TRINTOC, a politicised machine bureaucracy
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago: Pepperpot
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago: Sancoche
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago sign language (TTSL) : its emergence, development and transmission
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago's iron and steel industry in perspective: analysis and prospects
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Afficher le document A Trinidad Bathing Beach, B.W.I. - A27757
Afficher le document A Trinidad Bathing Beach, B.W.I. - A27757
Afficher le document Trinidad Beauty, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Belle
Afficher le document A Trinidad Belle, Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad, Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad Bocas
Afficher le document Trinidad, Botanic Gardens, Palm Walk
Afficher le document Trinidad, bullock cart
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad,B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad,B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I. - 1.
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I. - 29
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I., Frederick Street, Port of Spain
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I. : "Home of Angostura Bitters"
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I., Port of Spain
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I., Port of Spain deep water quay
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I., Santa Cruz Valley
Afficher le document Trinidad, B.W.I. - the world famous pitch lake
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival
Afficher le document Trinidad, Carnival Band
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival on Stage
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival on Stage
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival “Pan in tune".
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival “Pan in tune”.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad, W.I
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad,W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carnival, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Carrera's Island Convict depot
Afficher le document Trinidad Chacachacare Lighthouse
Afficher le document Trinidad chrysomelid beetles on leguminous plants
Afficher le document Trinidad chrysomelid beetles on leguminous plants
Afficher le document Trinidad clays as a potential component in clay-graphite refractories
Afficher le document Trinidad Coast
Afficher le document [Trinidad, Cocoa beans fermenting]
Afficher le document Trinidad, Cocoa breaking
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - Clearing the forest
Afficher le document Trinidad Cocoa - Cocoa tree in fruit
Afficher le document Trinidad Cocoa - Drying The Beans
Afficher le document Trinidad Cocoa - Drying The Beans
Afficher le document Trinidad - Cocoa Estate
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - Harvesting the pods
Afficher le document Trinidad, Cocoanut Grove [SIC]
Afficher le document Trinidad, Cocoanut Grove [SIC]
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - opening the pods and extracting the beans.
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - Opening the pods and extracting the beans
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - Opening the pods and extracting the beans
Afficher le document Trinidad cocoa - Opening the pods and extracting the beans
Afficher le document Trinidad. Cocoa Picking
Afficher le document Trinidad, Cocoa Pods.
Afficher le document Trinidad. Cocoa trees in full bearing
Afficher le document Trinidad. Coco-Nut cracking
Afficher le document Trinidad. Coconut Picking
Afficher le document Trinidad Constabulary on Parade
Afficher le document Trinidad convict Island
Afficher le document Trinidad Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, B.W.I. - 25528
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, B.W.I. - 25528
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, Champ Elysées, Maraval, Trinidad W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Country Club, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document The Trinidad Court Crystal Palace Colonial Exhibition
Afficher le document Trinidad, Craig Islands, one of the five island
Afficher le document Trinidad Creoles
Afficher le document Trinidad. Drying Cocoa
Afficher le document Trinidad. Drying Cocoa
Afficher le document Trinidad, Drying cocoa
Afficher le document Trinidad, East Coast
Afficher le document Trinidad - East Indians
Afficher le document Trinidad. East Indian Types
Afficher le document Trinidad. East Indian Types.
Afficher le document Trinidad- filling the barrels with pitch on the asphalt plants
Afficher le document Trinidad Food Products – Coverage Presentation Awards to Participants of the Basic Auto Mechanics Course
Afficher le document Trinidad from the Gulf of Paria
Afficher le document Trinidad from the Gulf of Paria
Afficher le document Trinidad - Gathering and Breaking Cocoa Pods
Afficher le document Trinidad Government Headquarters (The Red House)
Afficher le document Trinidad, Government House
Afficher le document Trinidad Governor's Palace
Afficher le document Trinidad, Governors Residence
Afficher le document Trinidad, Governors Residence
Afficher le document Trinidad Guardian 75th Anniversary: Special Edition Postcards.
Afficher le document Trinidad : happy and wealthy Coolie girls
Afficher le document Trinidad Hilton
Afficher le document Trinidad Hilton
Afficher le document Trinidad Hilton
Afficher le document Trinidad Hilton Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad Hilton, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Afficher le document Trinidad Hindu : P.574
Afficher le document Trinidadians Culturally Confused: Only Pan is Ours
Afficher le document Trinidadian women's knowledge, perceptions, and preferences regarding cesarean section: how do they make choices?
Afficher le document Trinidad. Immortelle Tree
Afficher le document Trinidad Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture
Afficher le document Trinidad. Indian Hut
Afficher le document Trinidad, Indian Wedding : No. 3
Afficher le document Trinidad, Indian Woman : No. 17
Afficher le document Trinidad, Island Mail and Cargo Steamer
Afficher le document Trinidad islands
Afficher le document Trinidad, La Brea, Digging Pitch N 66
Afficher le document Trinidad, La Brea, Pitch Lake
Afficher le document Trinidad Lake Asphalt Files
Afficher le document Trinidad Lake asphalt: prospects for alternative utilisation
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd.
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd.
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd. Crude Oil Well Forest Reserve Trinidad. Regent Petrol
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd. Oilfields; Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd. Regent Petrol. Dubbs Cracking Plant Pointe-a-Pierre Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd. Topping Plant Pointe-a-Pierre Trinidad. Regent Petrol
Afficher le document Trinidad, Lenagan Island from Craig Island
Afficher le document Trinidad- Loading pitch
Afficher le document Trinidad - Maracas Beach
Afficher le document Trinidad, Maraccas [sic] Waterfall, St. Joseph
Afficher le document Trinidad. Maraval Water Works
Afficher le document Trinidad. Maraval water works
Afficher le document [The Trinidad Marine Club, Chaguaramas, Trinidad]
Afficher le document The Trinidad Marine Club, (View from the Sea), Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document The Trinidad Marine Club, (View from the Sea), Trinidad B.W.I.
Afficher le document A Trinidad mountain scene
Afficher le document Trinidad, musicians
Afficher le document Trinidad Native Fruit Dealers
Afficher le document Trinidad, native house
Afficher le document Trinidad, native house
Afficher le document Trinidad, native house
Afficher le document Trinidad, native hut
Afficher le document Trinidad Natives
Afficher le document Trinidad Natives Girls
Afficher le document Trinidad, North Coast
Afficher le document Trinidad. Off to Market
Afficher le document Trinidad Old Mill
Afficher le document Trinidad, Picking Coffee
Afficher le document Trinidad, Pitch Lake
Afficher le document Trinidad, Pitch Lake, digging the hard pitch
Afficher le document Trinidad : Poor but happy Coolie couple
Afficher le document Trinidad porcellanite : A possible source of mullite
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain
Afficher le document Trinidad - Port of Spain
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Almond Walk
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Almond Walk
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, a main street
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, a Main Street
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, bird's eye view
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Bird's eye view
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain - Botanic Gardens
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Circular Road
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Circular Road
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Circular Road
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Custom House and Jetty.
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Government buildings
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain. Hindu girl
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain. Hindu girl
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Light House and Jetty.
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Light House and Jetty.
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Light House and Jetty.
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain. Native and home – p 591
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, old section
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Palm Trees, Governors Gardens
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Queen's Park Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, St. Vincent Jetty
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, St. Vincent Wharf
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, St. Vincent Wharf
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain, Travellers Palms
Afficher le document Trinidad, Port of Spain-Type
Afficher le document Trinidad, Queen's Park Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad, Queen's Park Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad: Queen's Park Hotel
Afficher le document Trinidad, Queens Royal College
Afficher le document Trinidad. Rope Tree
Afficher le document Trinidad. Rope Tree, Botanic Gardens
Afficher le document Trinidad, Royal Palms
Afficher le document Trinidad scenery, Blue Basin
Afficher le document Trinidad, School Children : No. 1
Afficher le document Trinidad's Coasts
Afficher le document Trinidad, Seaside Carenage
Afficher le document Trinidad, Seaside Carenage
Afficher le document Trinidad's great shopping centre
Afficher le document Trinidad's new island
Afficher le document Trinidad's new island
Afficher le document Trinidad's new island
Afficher le document Trinidad's new island
Afficher le document Trinidad Snow; Sugar Cane in Bloom, Central Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinidad space speaking through Indo-Trinidadian rituals and festivals : 1990-2009
Afficher le document Trinidad's Privy Council of Pan
Afficher le document Trinidad,St.Peter's Church (on the bay)
Afficher le document Trinidad, Sugar Cane in Bloom
Afficher le document Trinidad, Sugar Cane in Bloom
Afficher le document Trinidad’s war memorial 1924 (side view)
Afficher le document Trinidad Tesoro games - 29th April 1973.
Afficher le document Trinidad - Tesoro Petroleum Company Limited
Afficher le document Trinidad Tesoro Petroleum Company Limited luncheon, Port-of-Spain - 23rd September 1969.
Afficher le document Trinidad. The Country Club
Afficher le document Trinidad /The Fish Market.
Afficher le document Trinidad /The Fish Market.
Afficher le document Trinidad, the islands from Gasparee
Afficher le document Trinidad, the islands from Gasparee
Afficher le document Trinidad. Three poor Coolie girls
Afficher le document Trinidad, Traveller's Palm
Afficher le document Trinidad: Trinity Cathedral.
Afficher le document Trinidad type.
Afficher le document Trinidad - Un Ingenio - Sugar Plantation
Afficher le document Trinidad, Victoria Institute
Afficher le document Trinidad, Village Market
Afficher le document Trinidad, vorgelagerte insel
Afficher le document Trinidad: War Memorial
Afficher le document Trinidad. War Memorial
Afficher le document Trinidad War Memorial 15
Afficher le document Trinidad, Water Fall
Afficher le document Trinidad wayside scene
Afficher le document Trinidad: wayside scene
Afficher le document Trinidad - West Indian Type
Afficher le document Trinidad, West Indies
Afficher le document Trinidad, West Indies – Little boy in Carnival costume
Afficher le document Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Trinidad, Yes "We have Bananas Today" - No. 16
Afficher le document Trinid. - Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinid. - Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trini Pannist Plays at the White House
Afficher le document Trini Spreads Pan Gospel Down Under
Afficher le document Trinis Stage Pan Show in Illinois
Afficher le document TRINITARIO Developing a Marketing Strategy for a Premium Dark Chocolate
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral from the south, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral from the South, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, T'dad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document TRinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trinity Cathedral, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trintoc Invaders and Merry Tones on Stage at the Steelband Preliminaries
Afficher le document Tripartite association between rhizobia, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and kidney bean (phaseolus vulgaris, L.) : studies on the growth response
Afficher le document Tripoli, the Great St James Steelband
Afficher le document Triterpenoids from entandrophragma cylindricum sprague
Afficher le document Triumph of 'The Fish Band'
Afficher le document Trolley loading Pitch at the Lake, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trolley loading Pitch at the Lake, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tropical Blossoms, Memorial Park, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tropical fodder grasses with special reference to Guatemala grass
Afficher le document Tropical fodder grasses with special reference to Guatemala grass
Afficher le document Tropical foliage, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tropical foliage, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tropical Fruit
Afficher le document [A tropical garden]
Afficher le document Tropical marine biofouling dynamics and the effectiveness of antifouling paints
Afficher le document [Tropical Plants]
Afficher le document Tropical scenerie - Bamboos, Trinidad, B.W.Indies
Afficher le document Tropical Sceneries, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Tropical scenery, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Afficher le document Tropical Scenery. Trinidad
Afficher le document Tropical Scenery. Trinidad
Afficher le document Tropical scene, West Indies
Afficher le document Tropical Skyline
Afficher le document A Tropical Sunrise, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document A Tropical Sunrise, Trinidad, B.W.I. - 107
Afficher le document Tropische Abend-stimmung
Afficher le document Tropische Abend-stimmung
Afficher le document Troubadours of Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Trucking Stones, Quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document The Truth about Pamberi
Afficher le document Truth and Wisdom
Afficher le document Truth, justice and reconciliation: dilemmas of transitional societies: a critical examination of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Afficher le document Tsunamis in the Caribbean. Are we ready?
Afficher le document Tsunami travel times for the Caribbean
Afficher le document TT Culture Steps Into Digital Age With Digital Pan App
Afficher le document TT Exodus Caribbean Pan 'Champs'
Afficher le document Tuberculosis knowledge levels: a comparison of Kingston and St. Andrew residents and patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)
Afficher le document Tuberisation in the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)
Afficher le document Tucker Bay Road and "Five Islands", Trinidad
Afficher le document TUCO Secures Home For Aged Calypsonians
Afficher le document A Tunable Swarm-Optimization-Based Approach for Affective Product Design
Afficher le document Tuners Must Work Together to Safeguard the Steelband for T'dad
Afficher le document [A Tunnel of Trees]
Afficher le document Turbo decoder soft-ARQ and SNR estimation
Afficher le document The Turk's Cap Cactus: Trinidad.
Afficher le document The Turk's Cap Cactus: Trinidad.
Afficher le document "Turn and wheel them on the tongue": dialogism in Loina Goodison's poems
Afficher le document Turnpikes and other optimal sectoral growth paths for Jamaica, 1957-66
Afficher le document Turtle Beach Hotel, Tobago -F28
Afficher le document Twelve Entries Received for Pan Innovation Contest
Afficher le document Twenty case reports
Afficher le document Twenty-first century health diplomacy
Afficher le document Two Additional Spider (Arachnida:Araneida) Families for Trinidad and Tobago
Afficher le document Two-dimensional analysis of the effect of subsurface anomalies on the free surface response to the incident SH waves
Afficher le document Two ox power
Afficher le document Two Parables for Education
Afficher le document Two - Photon Microscopy
Afficher le document Two-photon Spectroscopy
Afficher le document Two problems in magneto (electro) statics
Afficher le document Two Sisters: Young Coolie Girls, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document [Two steelpan men]
Afficher le document [Two streets in Trinidad]
Afficher le document Two Tobago Bands Qualify for Panorama Semi-Finals
Afficher le document Two twentieth century upheavals in Trinidad : the 1937 labour riots and the 1970 black power uprising, a comparative analysis
Afficher le document [Two young men]
Afficher le document Type 2 Diabetes: The Journey of an Adolescent Student
Afficher le document Type Of Indian Woman, Trinidad
Afficher le document Type Of Indian Woman, Trinidad
Afficher le document Typical coastal scenery, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical coastal scenery, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical coastal scenery, Trinidad, B.W.I. - 11
Afficher le document Typical coast scenery, Trinidad
Afficher le document A typical country hut, Trinidad
Afficher le document A typical country hut, Trinidad
Afficher le document Typical country scene, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical Creole Vendor. Trinidad
Afficher le document Typical Creole Vendor. Trinidad
Afficher le document Typical Creole vendor, Trinidad
Afficher le document Typical East Indian dwellings,Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical Elaborate Carnival Headdress, Trinidad, West Indies
Afficher le document Typical Inland Scenery
Afficher le document Typical native, Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical scene, Port of Spain
Afficher le document Typical Street Tobago, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical suburban scene. Trinidad, B.W.I.
Afficher le document Typical Suburban Scene, Trinidad, W.I.
Afficher le document Typical Trinidad highway
Afficher le document Typical village scene, Tobago
Afficher le document Tyrico Bay, Trinidad, West Indies
Afficher le document Tyrico Bay, Trinidad, West Indies