Résultats pour la recherche : Coton
183 documents satisfont la requête.

Nombre de mots: Coton: 205

Il arrive à Mélinde sur la côte de Zanguebar
Auteur(s) : Lacoste ainé
Année de publication :

Victor Hughes approche de la Guadeloupe
Année de publication :

La côte-sous-le-vent à la Martinique
Auteur(s) : Dormoy, Albert
Année de publication :

Un Anglais de la Barbade, vend sa Maitresse

Carte de la Guiane française et hollandaise et carte de l'embouchure de la rivière Sinamary échelle de 300 T.

Fig. 32 — The east coast of St. Lucia (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1261).

Fig. 21 — An embayed and cliffed part of the east coast of Dominica (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1318).

Fig. 30 — The delta plain of the Cul de Sac embayment, cultivated as a sugar plantation, on the west coast of St. Lucia; looking southwest. The rectangular subdivision of the plain is drawn to emphasize its levelness. That the enclosing ridges had already gained their maturely dissected forms before submergence reached its present measure is shown by the way in which short arms of the plain enter small side valleys. See also Fig. 35.

Eriksted, showing the absence of shore cliffs.

Fig- 55 — A lightly cliffed headland on the north coast of St. Croix.

Fig. 17 — The northern side of Nevis, looking east.

Fig. 20 — The southwestern coast of Dominica.

Fig. 63 — Rough plan of part of the west coast of Antigua, showing slightly cliffed headlands and beach-filled bays.

Fig. 31 — The low cliffs of the mid-west coast, St. Lucia.

Fig. 20 — The southwestern coast of Dominica.

Fig. 39 — Part of St. Thomas, as seen from the south. The immaturity spurs and valleys is strikingly shown. Part of the town of St. Thomas

Fig. 64 — Rough plan of the southwest coast of Antigua, showing slightly cliffed headlands and beach-filled bays.

Fig. 29 — The Petit Piton, next north of the Grand Piton on the southwest coast of St. Lucia; looking east.

Fig. 26 — The embayed coast and coral reefs of eastern Martinique (from British Admiralty Chart No. 371).

PL. V — The central volcanic range of St. Kitts, looking northeast. Mt. Brimstone on the left.