Résultats pour la recherche : Coton
183 documents satisfont la requête.

Nombre de mots: Coton: 205

Fig. 38 — Cliffed headlands west of Kingstown harbor, southern end of St. Vincent.

Fig. 57 — The non-cliffed north coast of St. Croix at Christiansted.

Fig. 58 — The north coast of eastern St. Croix.

Fig. 31 — The low cliffs of the mid-west coast, St. Lucia.

Fig. 28 — The Grand Piton, on the southwest coast of St. Lucia, where it is adjoined by the cliff-margined mud flow; looking northwest. The Petit Piton rises in the background.

Fig. 8 — Center Hill, on the northwest coast of Montserrat, showing the deeply incised inner valleys between sharply serrated ridges, the moderately dissected lower slopes, and the low cliffs of the shore. The higher cliffs in the left foreground are part of Silver Hill, Fig. 6.

Fig- 33 — The highest headland cliffs on the east coast of St. Lucia; the village of Dennery occupies a beach in the left foreground. An important sugar plantation lies on a delta plain between the low ridge in the middle distance and the higher ridge in the background.

PL. X — East coast of Martinique, looking north.

PL. IX — Mont Carbet and the cliff spur ends of Martinique, looking east.

Fig- 53 — The embayed southeast coast of Grenada (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1316)

Fig. 27 — The mud flow of southwestern St. Lucia, by which several to the main island.

Fig. 40 — Spurs and islands on the southwest coast of St. Thomas, as and southwest.

Fig. 62 — The subdued spurs on the south side of Willoughby Bay, southeast coast of Antigua, seen from a ridge on the north side of the bay. The slight amount of cliff cutting on the spur ends is notable.

Grandes Antilles - Cuba

Cayes des martyrs ou cayes de la Floride

La côte de Guatemala

Grandes Antilles - Porto Rico
Auteur(s) : Nyon

Grandes Antilles - Saint-Domingue

Grandes Antilles - Cuba

Grandes Antilles - Saint-Domingue