133 documents satisfont la requête.
The Digital Library of the Caribbean Support for the IFAP Priority Areas: Content, Technology and Collaboration for Success
Auteur(s) : Brooke Wooldridge

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Managing an Open Access, Multi-Institutional, International Digital Library: the Digital Library of the Caribbean
Auteur(s) : Wooldridge, Brooke Taylor, Laurie N. Sullivan, Mark V.

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First Annual Caribbean Challenge Teaching Packet ( All Materials )
Auteur(s) : Wooldridge, Brooke Picard, Liesl Vinat, Daniel Johnson, Sherry Jean-Louis, Felix Silvera, Vicki

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Digital Library of the Caribbean ( dLOC ) Comprehensive Sustainability Plan (2012-2015) ; Digital Library of the Caribbean ( dLOC ) Comprehensive Sustainability Plan, July 1, 2012 To June 30, 2015
Auteur(s) : Digital Library of the Caribbean ( dLOC ) Wooldridge, Brooke Taylor, Laurie N. Vargas-Betancourt, Margarita Rogers, Judith Mendoza, Ana Silvera, Vicki Williams, Gayle

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Haiti ; Island luminous
Auteur(s) : Silvia, Adam M. ( author ) Wooldridge, Brooke. ( editor ) Hubert, Hadassah St. ( editor ) Taylor, Laurie. ( editor ) Santamaria-Wheeler, Lourdes. ( editor ) Denis, Watson. ( translator ) Losson, Pierre. ( translator ) Alexis, Bernado. ( curator )

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