118 documents satisfont la requête.
An Act to continue an Act, made in the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for indemnifying Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and Persons acting as such, in the West India Islands, who have permitted the Importation and Exportation of Goods and Commodities in Foreign Bottoms. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to permit the Entry for Home Consumption of Sugar the Produce or Manufacture of Martinique, Mariegalante, Guadaloupe, Saint Eustatia, Saint Martin, and Saba, at a lower Rate of Duty than is payable upon Sugar not of the British Plantations. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to repeal the Schedule annexed to an Act of the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty, by which the Drawbacks and Bounties on Sugar exported are to be ascertained... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for indemnifying such Persons as have advised or acted under an Order in Council for allowing the Importation of certain Articles into the West Indies, and for permitting such Importation until the Thirtieth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirteen. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to continue and amend an Act, made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for opening and establishing certain Ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica, for the more free Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Merchandises... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for allowing further Time for the Payment of Instalments to become due on certain Sums advanced by way of Loan, to certain Persons connected with and trading to the Islands of Grenada and Saint Vincents. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for granting Relief to the Island of Dominica; and to amend an Act of the Second and Third Years of His present Majesty, for enabling His Majesty to direct the Issue of Exchequer Bills to a limited Amount for the Purposes therein mentioned. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for supplying such of the French Islands, as may be in His Majesty's Possession, with the Several Sorts of Corn, Meal, Flour, and Biscuit, necessary for the Maintenance of the Inhabitants of the said Islands. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the Treasury to make Arrangements concerning a certain Loan advanced by way of Relief to the Island of Tobago. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for enlarging the Period for the Payment of Part of certain Sums of Money advanced by way of Loan to several Persons connected with and trading to the Islands of Grenada and Saint Vincent. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to make Provision for the Government of Jamaica. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to continue, until the Expiration of Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, an Act, passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for allowing certain Articles to be imported into the Bahama Islands, and exported therefrom in Foreign Vessels; and for encouraging the Exportation of Salt from the said Islands. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for granting the Privileges of British Ships to Vessels built at Malta, Gibraltar, and Heligoland, and certain of those Privileges to Vessels built in the British Settlements at Honduras. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the Treasury to make Arrangements concerning certain Loans advanced by way of Relief to the Islands of Antigua, Nevis, and Montserrat. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to repeal the Four-and-a-Half per Centum Duties. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to amend Several Acts respecting the Exportation and Importation of Sugar into and from Ireland; and further to regulate the Importation into Ireland of Sugar, Coffee, and other Articles, from certain Islands in the West Indies. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for allowing further Time for the Payment of Instalments to become due on certain Sums advanced by way of Loan, pursuant to an Act of the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to extend to the British Colonies in the West Indies an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Year of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, for regulating the Carriage of Passengers in Merchant Vessels. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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