107 documents satisfont la requête.
An Act to enable Her Majesty by Order in Council to annex the Turks and Caicos Islands to the Colony of Jamaica. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for making the Port of Scarborough, in the Island of Tobago, a Free Port, under certain Regulations and Restrictions ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for further continuing, until the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, so much of an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of His late Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to amend an Act made in the Forty-Sixth Year of His present Majesty for more effectually carrying into Execution the Purposes of an Act made in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth year of His Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for preventing the Desertion of Seamen from British Merchant Ships trading to His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in the West Indies. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for extending the Time for the Payment of certain Sums of Money advanced by way of Loan to several Persons connected with and trading to the Islands of Grenada and Saint Vincent. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to enable Her Majesty to confirm an Act passed by the Legislature of Antigua, intituled An Act to extend the Operation of the Laws of Antigua to the Island of Barbuda. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for making perpetual an Act made in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in the Ports of Kingston, Savannah la Mar... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to establish the Validity of Acts performed in Her Majesty's Possessions abroad by certain Clergymen ordained in Foreign Parts, and to extend the Powers of Colonial Legislatures with respect to such Clergymen. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for authorizing His Majesty in Council to allow, during the present War, and for Six Months after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Commodities in Neutral Ships... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to revive and continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and nineteen, an Act made in the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty... ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to exempt Sales of West India Produce, by the West India Dock Company, for Payment of Duties and Charges, from the Auction Duty. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for granting to His Majesty Rates of Postage on the Conveyance of Letters and Packets to and from Saint Domingo and Cuba. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for permitting the Importation of Cashew Gum from His Majesty's West India Islands, upon Payment of the like Duty as is paid upon the Importation of Gum Arabic, or Gum Senega. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to provide for the Increase of the Number of Bishoprics and Archdeaconries in the West Indies, and to amend the several Acts relating thereto. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to provide for the Enactment of certain Laws in the Island of Jamaica. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for permitting a Trade between The United Provinces and certain Colonies now in His Majesty's Possession. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to revive and make perpetual certain Acts for consolidating and extending the several Laws in force for allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Articles into and from certain Ports in the West Indies. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for regulating the Bailiffs of Inferior Courts. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for further allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Articles at the Island of Bermuda. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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