107 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
An Act to extend Several Acts for allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Merchandize to Porta Maria in the Island of Jamaica, and to the Port of Bridge Town in the Island of Barbadoes ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for increasing the Duty on Rum and other Spirits imported into Newfoundland from the British Colonies and Plantations on the Continent of America, and charging a Duty on Spirits imported into Newfoundland from His Majesty's Colonies in the West Indies. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to authorize the West India Relief Commissioners to grant further Time for the Repayment of Monies advanced by them in certain Cases. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for the Settlement of a Loan due from the Island of Jamaica to the Imperial Government. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act for further continuing so much of Two Acts, made in the Sixth and Thirteenth Years of the Reign of His present Majesty, as relates to the opening and establishing certain free Ports in the Island of Jamaica. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to guarantee the Liquidation of a Loan or Loans for the Service of the Colony of Jamaica. ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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An Act to permit the Exportation of Wares, Goods, and Merchandize from any of His Majesty's Islands in the West Indies to any other of the said Islands, and to and from any of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, and the said Islands and Colonies ; British Parliamentary Acts
Auteur(s) : Great Britain. Parliament.

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