Résultats pour la recherche : Plans
1272 documents satisfont la requête.

Nombre de mots: Plans: 1512

[Les colonies françaises – Guyane française 1604]


Carte de la Guiane française et hollandaise et carte de l'embouchure de la rivière Sinamary échelle de 300 T.

Fig. 23 — Cliffed headlands of southern Martinique.

Fig. 7 — Montserrat (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1011).

Fig. 50 — Part of Union Island, one of the Grenadines; looking southeast. The subdued forms of the island, taken in connection with its pronounced embayments and immature headland cliffs, suggest that it was first subjected to erosion for a long period, then moderately submerged and embayed and immaturely cliffed.

On the ruins of an older volcanic mass, two surviving summits of which

Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1011).

Fig. I — Ideal section of a Lesser Antillean bank

Fig. 32 — The east coast of St. Lucia (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1261).

Fig. 65 — The Island of St. Bartholomew (from British Admiralty Chart No. 2038).

Fig. 59 — Ideal section of an atoll.

Fig. 15 — Nevis (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1011).

Fig. 4 — Part of one of the Saints (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 362).

Fig. 21 — An embayed and cliffed part of the east coast of Dominica (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1318).

Fig. 14 — Basseterre, the chief town of St. Kitts, on the shore

Eriksted, showing the absence of shore cliffs.

Fig. 41 — The eastern end of St. Thomas and the western end of St. John (from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 905).

Fig. 51 — Cannouan Island, one of the Grenadines (from U. S. Hydrogr. Office Chart No. 1640).

Fig- 55 — A lightly cliffed headland on the north coast of St. Croix.