104 documents satisfont la requête.
Country school-house, St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Beck, R. H.

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Cactus St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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Coal women in St. Thomas Partager

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Front view of Grand Hotel and the 1829 building
Auteur(s) : Beck, R. H.

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North coast of St. Thomas, Outer Brass and Inner Brass Islands Partager

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Reformed Dutch church, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, organized 1688
Auteur(s) : Demarest, William T.

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Mule: the most popular beast of burden in St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Mena, J.

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Hilly street, Charlotte Amalia
Auteur(s) : Demarest, William T.

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Luthern church, Charlotte Amalia Partager

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Entrance to St. Thomas Harbor, with powder magazine and Cowell's Battery on Hassel Island and quarantine station on Muhlenfel's point Partager

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Man fishing with casting net, St.Thomas Partager

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Town and harbor of St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Ovesen, A.

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Residence of Governor and administration building, Charlotte Amalia
Auteur(s) : Newman, E. M.

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Entrance to St. Thomas harbor
Auteur(s) : Ovesen, A.

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Street in front of Government House, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, looking east from Government Hill towards Luchetti's Hill Partager

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Mountain path leading to Ma Folie, St. Thomas Partager

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Ascent of Old Glory [U.S.A. flag]
Auteur(s) : Hassell, H.

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Grand Hotel, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas Partager

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The Life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner
Auteur(s) : Schwacofer, Mary A. ( Author, Primary ) Browne, Gordon, 1858-1932 ( Illustrator ) Macquoid, Thomas Robert, 1820-1912 ( Illustrator ) Marriott, R. S ( Engraver ) Thomas, William Luson, 1830-1900 ( Engraver ) Defoe, Daniel 1661?- 1731 Farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe A.L. Burt Company ( Publisher ) Cassell & Company

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101 steps leading to Blackbeard's Castle
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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