460 documents satisfont la requête.
The Tampa Bay Hotel upon it's completion,1892.
Auteur(s) : Burgert Brothers, 1917- ( Photographer )

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Informe estadístico = ; Statistical report ; Informe estadístico (Puerto Rico. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Auteur(s) : Puerto Rico -- Bureau of Labor Statistics

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A Large sailboat sits on the Hillsborough River near the pier for the Tampa Bay Hotel.
Auteur(s) : Burgert Brothers, 1917- ( Photographer )

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A map of the West Indies or the Islands of America in the North Sea with ye adjactent countries Partager

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Tarif judiciaire annoté
Auteur(s) : Haiti Titus, Jh ( Joseph )

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Consumers' expenditure in Jamaica
Auteur(s) : Taylor, LeRoy Jamaica -- Dept. of Statistics. -- National accounts Jamaica -- Dept. of Statistics. -- Household expenditure survey

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Final report of the USAID/CARDI Small Farm Multiple Cropping Systems Research Project #538-0015
Auteur(s) : Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute

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A View of the early grounds of the Tampa Bay Hotel and the railroad track running directly to the main entrance.
Auteur(s) : Burgert Brothers, 1917- ( Photographer )

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The ... Latin American business environment
Auteur(s) : University of Florida -- Center for Latin American Studies

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La familia matrifocal como mecanismo de adaptación de la mujer a su marginalidad
Auteur(s) : López de Piza, Eugenia Simposio Mexicano Centroamericano de Investigación sobre la Mujer, 1977

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Volcano tourism in St. Lucia and Dominica: Combining Science and Community
Auteur(s) : Joseph, Erouscilla
Année de publication :


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The English-American : A New Survey of the West Indies, 1648
Auteur(s) : Gage, Thomas (1603-1656)

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Cost-benefit analysis of vocational agricultural education in El Salvador
Auteur(s) : Dearing, Jose

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The Life and voyages of Christopher Colombus ; together with the voyages of his companions (vol. 2)
Auteur(s) : Irving, Washington (1783-1859)

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Auteur(s) : Castro Fernández, H. Alfredo

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Mexico and Guatemala ; Mexico & Guatemala Partager

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Costa Rica : du petit pays « démocratique, sain et pacifique », au leader de l’écotourisme et de la protection de l’environnement
Auteur(s) : Raymond, Nathalie

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Johnson's Central America by Johnson and Ward Partager

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Resumen del proyecto de investigación aplicada en sistemas de producción de leche para campesinos de limitados recursos del istmo centroamericano
Auteur(s) : Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícolas (Guatemala)

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Médecine traditionnelle : TRAMIL
Auteur(s) : Nagou, Maurice Quion-Quion, André TRAMIL

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