138 documents satisfont la requête.
Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, upon questions relating to Publics Rights, Duties, and Interests…
Auteur(s) : Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
Année de publication :


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The colony of British Guyana and its labouring population
Auteur(s) : Bronkhurst, Rév. H.V.P.
Année de publication :


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Reports from committees : eighteen volumes. Sugar and coffee planting. Session 18 november 1847 - 5 september 1848, Part. 4
Auteur(s) : Grande Bretagne. House of commons. Library
Année de publication :


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Notes on Haïti, made during a residence in that republic : in two volumes. Volume 1
Auteur(s) : Mackenzie, Charles (1788-1862)
Année de publication :


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Breaking Sexual Silences : Readings and Discussions - Audio of the event
Auteur(s) : Breaking Sexual Silences Project - University of Reading/ University of West Indies

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Breaking Sexual Silences in the Caribbean - Workshop Programme
Auteur(s) : Breaking Sexual Silences Project

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Complete story of the Martinique and St. Vincent horrors
Auteur(s) : Garesche, William A. (1852-1905)
Auteurs secondaires : Demessimy, Vincent (18..-1…)
Année de publication :


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Six months in the West Indies, in 1825
Auteur(s) : Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1798-1843)
Année de publication :


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Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum. Part 2
Auteur(s) : Higgins, Bryan (1737?-1820)
Année de publication :


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Guyana's Hindus face Gay Quandary
Auteur(s) : Hinduism Today

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Breaking Sexual Silences : Readings and Discussions - Pictures ; living and loving in different ways in the Caribbean
Auteur(s) : Breaking Sexual Silences Project - University of Reading/ University of West Indies

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Breaking Sexual Silences : Readings and Discussions - Newspaper Clippings
Auteur(s) : Breaking Sexual Silences Project

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Reports from committees : eighteen volumes. Sugar and coffee planting. Session 18 november 1847 - 5 september 1848. Part. 2
Auteur(s) : Grande Bretagne. House of commons. Library
Année de publication :


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Video of Reading by Dr. Victor Chang of His Short Stories ( February 2014 ): "Counter Culture : the Chinese and Jamaica"
Auteur(s) : Chang, Victor

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Naval yarns of sea fights and wrecks, pirates and privateers from 1616-1831 : as told by men of wars' men
Auteurs secondaires : Long, William Henry (1840-1896) Brangwyn, Frank (1867-1956)
Année de publication :


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Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, upon questions relating to Publics Rights, Duties, and Interests…
Auteur(s) : Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
Année de publication :


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Candid and impartial considerations on the nature of the sugar trade : the comparative importance of the British and French Islands in the West-Indies : with the value and consequence of St. Lucia and Granada, truly stated. Illustrated with copper-plates
Auteur(s) : Campbell, John (1708-1775)
Année de publication :


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Les frères de la Coste, flibustiers et corsaires
Auteur(s) : Besson, Maurice (1885-1946)
Année de publication :


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View of the former House of Assembly from Emancipation Square in Spanish Town, Saint Catherine, Jamaica ; The Bryant Slides Collection ; The Bryant Slides Collection, Jamaica
Auteur(s) : Unknown ( Photographer )

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