18 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, upon questions relating to Publics Rights, Duties, and Interests…
Auteur(s) : Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
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The colony of British Guyana and its labouring population
Auteur(s) : Bronkhurst, Rév. H.V.P.
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Complete story of the Martinique and St. Vincent horrors
Auteur(s) : Garesche, William A. (1852-1905)
Auteurs secondaires : Demessimy, Vincent (18..-1…)
Année de publication :


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Notes on Haïti, made during a residence in that republic : in two volumes. Volume 1
Auteur(s) : Mackenzie, Charles (1788-1862)
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The West Indies
Auteur(s) : Eves, Charles Washington Augero (1838-1899)
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Reports from committees : eighteen volumes. Sugar and coffee planting. Session 18 november 1847 - 5 september 1848. Part. 2
Auteur(s) : Grande Bretagne. House of commons. Library
Année de publication :


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Reports from committees : eighteen volumes. Sugar and coffee planting. Session 18 november 1847 - 5 september 1848. Part. 1
Auteur(s) : Grande Bretagne. House of commons. Library
Année de publication :


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Four years' residence in the West Indies
Auteur(s) : Bayley, Frederic William Naylor (1808-1853)
Auteurs secondaires : Haghe, Charles (1810-1888) Day, William (1797-1845)
Année de publication :


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Reports from committees : eighteen volumes. Sugar and coffee planting. Session 18 november 1847 - 5 september 1848. Part. 3
Auteur(s) : Grande Bretagne. House of commons. Library
Année de publication :


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A natural history of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America : with many other observations on nature and art : particularly, an introduction to the art of decyphering
Auteur(s) : Smith, William (17..-1... ; révérend)
Année de publication :


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Guiana : British, Dutch, and French
Auteur(s) : Rodway, James (1848-1926)
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Santo Domingo : past and present with a glance at Hayti
Auteur(s) : Hazard, Samuel (1834-1876)
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Hayti or the black republic
Auteur(s) : Saint-John, Spenser Buckingham (1825-1910 ; Sir)
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The magic island
Auteur(s) : Seabrook, William Buehler (1886-1945)
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The English in the West Indies or the bow of Ulysses
Auteur(s) : Froude, James Anthony (1818-1894) Pearson, G.
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Bas Obispo Cut, Showing Battery of Rock Drills at Work, Panama Canal Route Partager

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Rerum medicarum novae Hispaniae thesaurus seu plantarum animalium mineralium mexicanorum historia ex Francisci Hernandez novi orbi medici primarii relationibus in ipsa mexicana urbe conscriptis a Nardo Antonio Reccho monte corvinate Cath. Majest. medico et Neap. Regni archiatro generali jussu Philippi II Hisp. ind. etc. regis collecta ac in ordinem digesta a Joanne Terrentio Lynceo Constantiense Germ. Ph.o ac medico notis illustrata... Quibus jam excussis accessere demum alia quorum omnium synopsis sequenti pagina ponitur. Opus duobus voluminibus divisum Philippo IIII. regi catholico magno....
Auteur(s) : Hernandez, Francisco (1515-1587)
Auteurs secondaires : Greuter, Johann Friedrich (1590-1662) Faber, Johann (1570-1640) Recchi, Nardo Antonio (1540-1595) Terentius, Joannes (1576-1630) Cesi, Federico (1585-1630) Colonna, Fabio (1567-1650)
Année de publication :


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