383 documents satisfont la requête.
Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Library of the Caribbean ( dLOC )
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Laurie N. Wooldridge, Brooke Santamaría- Wheeler, Lourdes Sullivan, Mark V. Hebblethwaite, Benjamin Raitano, Megan

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La France et ses colonies. Tome 1: En France
Auteur(s) : Reclus, Onésime (1837-1916)
Année de publication :


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Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum. Part 2
Auteur(s) : Higgins, Bryan (1737?-1820)
Année de publication :


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The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC): Creating a Shared Research Foundation
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Laurie N. Vargas-Betancourt, Margarita Wooldridge, Brooke

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General view of Fort-de-France, Martinique [Vue générale de Fort-de-France, Martinique]
Auteur(s) : KohlTaylor

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Managing an Open Access, Multi-Institutional, International Digital Library: the Digital Library of the Caribbean
Auteur(s) : Wooldridge, Brooke Taylor, Laurie N. Sullivan, Mark V.

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Approving Users for Self Submittal in to the IR@UF and Other Collections in SobekCM (Portal and System Administrators)
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Laurie N.

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Fort Christian, St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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