4 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Antonio Pelletier
Auteur(s) : United States -- Department of State United States -- President (1865-1869 : Johnson)

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The United States vs. The Republic of Hayti ; In the matter of the claim of A.H. Lazare
Auteur(s) : United States American and Haitian International Claims Commission Haiti

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Award of the referee in the Van Bokkelen case
Auteur(s) : Morse, Alexander Porter, 1842-1921

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Claim of Charles Adrian Van Bokkelen vs. the Government of Hayti ; Brief of argument in support of the claim
Auteur(s) : Kennedy, Crammond, 1842-1918 Van Bokkelen, Charles Adrian

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