6 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Understanding continent-ocean sediment transfer
Auteur(s) : Mulder, Thierry Cirac, Pierre Gaudin, Mathieu Bourillet, Jean-francois Trainer, J. Normand, Alain Weber, O. Griboulard, R.

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The Danube submarine canyon (Black Sea): morphology and sedimentary processes
Auteur(s) : Popescu, Irina Lericolais, Gilles Panin, Nicolae Normand, Alain Dinu, Cornel Le Drezen, Eliane

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Morphological changes and sedimentary processes induced by the December 2003 flood event at the present mouth of the Grand Rhone River (southern France)
Auteur(s) : Maillet, Grégoire M. Vella, Claude Berne, Serge Friend, Patrick L. Amos, Carl L. Fleury, Thomas J. Normand, Alain

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Shallow gas off the Rhone prodelta, Gulf of Lions
Auteur(s) : Garcia Garcia, Ana Orange, D Lorenson, T Radakovitch, O Tesi, T. Miserocchi, S Berne, Serge Friend, P.l.

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Recent volcanic events and the distribution of hydrothermal venting at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Auteur(s) : Ondreas, Helene Cannat, M. Fouquet, Yves Normand, Alain Sarradin, Pierre-marie Sarrazin, Jozee

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Geological context and vents morphology of the ultramafic-hosted Ashadze hydrothermal areas (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 13 degrees N)
Auteur(s) : Ondreas, Helene Cannat, Mathilde Fouquet, Yves Normand, Alain

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