4 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Altimeter dual-frequency observations of surface winds, waves, and rain rate in tropical cyclone Isabel - art. no. C01004,
Auteur(s) : Quilfen, Yves Tournadre, Jean Chapron, Bertrand

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Haline hurricane wake in the Amazon/Orinoco plume: AQUARIUS/SACD and SMOS observations
Auteur(s) : Grodsky, Semyon A. Reul, Nicolas Lagerloef, Gary Reverdin, Gilles Carton, James A. Chapron, Bertrand Quilfen, Yves Kudryavtsev, Vladimir N.

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Sea Surface Salinity Observations from Space with the SMOS Satellite: A New Means to Monitor the Marine Branch of the Water Cycle
Auteur(s) : Reul, Nicolas Fournier, Severine Boutin, Jacqueline Hernandez, Olga Maes, Christophe Chapron, Bertrand Alory, Gael Quilfen, Yves

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Multisensor observations of the Amazon-Orinoco river plume interactions with hurricanes
Auteur(s) : Reul, Nicolas Quilfen, Yves Chapron, Bertrand Fournier, Severine Kudryavtsev, Vladimir Sabia, Roberto

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