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Soil is the origin for the presence of Naegleria fowleri in the thermal recreational waters
Auteur(s) : Mirna, Moussa Océane, Tissot Guerlotté, Jérôme Johan F. , De Jonckheere Antoine, Talarmin
Auteurs secondaires : Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe ; Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP) - Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) This work was supported by a grant ACIP n°A01-11 from the Institut Pasteur and by a grant FEDER FED-1-1.4 32932 from the European Union. Mirna Moussa was supported by a grant FSE from the European Union and the Guadeloupe Region.

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