La Caraïbe anglophone : Manioc souhaite la bienvenue à L'UWI !
L'UWI a été fondée en 1948 sur le campus de Mona en Jamaïque. Université innovante, compétitive et internationale, profondément enracinée dans la Caraïbe, l'UWI offre un enseignement de qualité principalement destiné aux pays de la Communauté caribéenne anglophone : Anguilla, Antigua-et-Barbuda, la Barbade, les Bahamas, Belize, les Bermudes, les îles Vierges britanniques, les îles Caïmans, la Dominique, la Grenade, la Jamaïque, Montserrat, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, la République de Trinité-et-Tobago et les îles Turques et Caïques. L'Université est composée de 3 campus : Cave Hill (Barbade), Mona (Jamaïque), et St. Augustine (Trinité-et-Tobago). L'UWI est reconnue internationalement comme un centre d'excellence dans la recherche, la création de connaissances et l'innovation sur les questions liées à la Caraïbe et les petits États insulaires. Ce réseau comprend un prix Nobel, des dizaines de boursiers et plus de 18 Premiers ministres et chefs des Caraïbes, anciens et actuels d'État.
Ouvrages anciens numérisés :
- James Anthony Froude, The English in the West Indies or the bow of Ulysses, [s.l.], Longmans, 1888, 373 pages.
- Joseph Sturge, Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837; being the journal of a visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, and Jamaïca, London, Hamilton, Adams & Co, 1838, 490 pages.
- James Amstrong Thome, Joseph Horace Kimball, Emancipation in the West Indies : a six months's tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in the year 1837, New-York, American anti-slavery society, 1838, 128 pages.
- British philanthropy and Jamaica distress, [s.l.], [s.n.], 1853, 39 pages.
- Richard Blome, Negro slavery, or A view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America and in the colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica, [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.], 80 pages.
- Thomas Gage, The English-American : A New Survey of the West Indies, 1648, [s.l.], Routledge, 407 pages.
- Henry Nelson Coleridge, Six months in the West Indies, in 1825, London, John Murray, 1832, 311 pages.
- George Truman, John Jackson, Thomas Bedford Longstreth, Narrative of a visit to the West Indies in 1840 and 1841, Philadelphia, Merrihew and Thompson, 130 pages.
- Antigua and the Antiguans: a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day, interspersed with anecdotes and legends : also, an impartial view of slavery and the free labour systems, the statistics of the island, and biographical notices of the principal families, Vol. I, London, Saunders and Otley, 1844, 345 pages.
- Antigua and the Antiguans: a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day, interspersed with anecdotes and legends : also, an impartial view of slavery and the free labour systems, the statistics of the island, and biographical notices of the principal families, London, Saunders and Otley, Vol. II, London, Saunders and Otley, 1844, 355 pages.
- Richard Towne, A treatise of the diseases most frequent in the West-Indies, and herein more particularly of those which occur in Barbadoes, London, John Clarke at the Bible under the Royal exchange, 1726, 192 pages.
- Guy-Victor Duperré, Abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies anglaises, Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1841, 546 pages.
- Léon Provancher, Une excursion aux climats tropicaux : voyages aux îles-du-vent St-Kitts, Nevis, Antigue, Monserrat, La Dominique, La Guadeloupe, Ste-Lucie, La Barbade, Trinidad, [s.l.], Langlais, 1890, 359 pages.
- Richard Blome, Description de l'isle de la Jamaïque, et de toutes celles que possèdent les Anglois dans l'Amérique, [s.l.], [s.n.], 81 pages.
Vidéos contemporaines :
- Garifuna marronnage : ethnogenesis of a colonial tribe Paul Christopher Johnson, Manioc 2013.
- Mary Tuner and West Indian historiography, 1913-1931 Bridget Brereton, Manioc 2014.
- Mary Turner and the making of the West Indies Kate Quinn, Manioc 2014.
- Reconsidering the breaks in Jamaica's urban past James Robertson, Manioc 2015.
- Faith and Family in the Early Caribbean : Religion, Race, and Power on the Peers Plantation Jenny Shaw, Manioc 2014.
- Spaces in between : archaeological investigations at St. Nicholas Abbey sugar plantation Frederick H. Smith, Manioc 2011.
- Plantations and Homes : The Matérial Culture of the Early Nineteenth-Century Jamaican Elite Christer Petley, Manioc 2014.
- Confronting Abuses : The Scandal of the Kingston Lunatic Asylum, 1858-1861 Leonard Smith, Manioc 2014.
- Voice : Broadcasting and the Politics of Creole in Jamaïca and Haïti Alejandra Bronfman, Manioc 2014.
- Stereotypes and Beyond : Female Criminality in Post-Emancipation Jamaïca, 1855-1899 Jonhatan Dalby, Manioc 2014.
- Fear or Security ? Slaveholder Proposals to Arm Black Men in Jamaïca and South Carolina during the American Revolution Edward Rugemer, Manioc 2014.
- Writing strategies in a bilingual world : English and Jamaican creole Olive Senior, Manioc 2013.
- Revisiting the Pre-Colombian Cambridge Hill Cave in Jamaica : the preliminary results of a paleodemographic and paleopathological study Ana Santos Luisa, Manioc 2011.
- Pre-Colombian human remains from Hellshire Hills in Jamaica : pathological analysis Ana Santos Luisa, Manioc 2011.
- Poverty and Household Welfare in Trinidad and Tobago Sandra Sookram, Manioc 2009.
- French Tobago and spanish Trinidad in the Age of Revolution Armando De Garcia De La Torre, Manioc 2014.
- Ecotourism at the Asa Wright Nature Centre : a tool for educating children about conservation and biodiversity in Trinidad Rachael Williams, Manioc 2010.
- Maisons très-bien baties : oppotunities for reconstructing Jamaican townscapes James Robertson, Manioc 2015.
- Vibrations jamaïcaines : l'histoire des musiques populaires jamaïcaines au 20e siècle Jérémie Kroubo-Dagnini, Manioc 2011.
- La conservation des zones humides à Trinidad et Tobago : Enjeux et défis Rahanna Juman, Manioc 2013.
- Journalistes démocratie et liberté de la presse une analyse socio-politique en Guadeloupe et à Trinidad-et-Tobago entre 1989 et 2009 Salaura Didon, Manioc 2013.
Etudes et Recherches :
- Graciela Mathieu, Patois : a living legacy, Etudes et Recherches, 2000.
- Raphaël Confiant, Creole identity in a globalized world, Etudes et Recherches, 2006.
- Dominique Aurélia, Crossing troubled seas: the metaphor of flight in caribbean literature, Etudes et Recherches, 2007.
- Thierry Michalon, The extension of French welfare to overseas departements, Etudes et Recherches, 2003.
- Down Fulton, Metamorphosis: Space and Transformation in "Le Nègre et l'Amiral", Etudes et Recherches, 2000.
- Daniel E. Noren, Morally Decadent Trickster Figures in Francophone Oral Literature beyond the ? Hexagone?: a Case of Racist Colonial Administrative Policies, Etudes et Recherches.
- Elsa Corbin et Eric Lambourdière, Supply chains in Latin America and the Caribbean : challenges and opportunities, Etudes et Recherches, 2009.
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Bonne lecture ! Good reading !