73 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Les touristes sont-ils plus exigeants que les résidents en matière de protection du littoral ? Le cas de la Martinique
Auteur(s) : Failler, Pierre Pètre, Élise Borot de Battisti, Adeline Binet, Thomas Violas, Laura Maréchal, Jean-Philippe

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La biodéposition de la crépidule (Crepidula fornicata). Impact sur l'écosystème de la rade de Brest
Auteur(s) : Manac'H, Nathalie

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Des systèmes vidéo rotatifs pour étudier l'ichtyofaune : Applications à l’analyse des variations spatiales et temporelles dans le lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie
Auteur(s) : Mallet, Delphine

6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> | 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef.">Plus
La lecture publique a l’épreuve du territoire, un défi pour la Guyane de demain ?
Auteur(s) : Manga, Blaise Bitegue Dit

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Suivi et évaluation de la pêche professionnelle au sein d'une Aire Marine Protégée : protocoles d'enquêtes et indicateurs de pression et d'impact. Application au Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue
Auteur(s) : Leleu, Kevin

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Le comportement agrégatif des dorades coryphènes (Coryphaena hippurus) autour des objets flottants
Auteur(s) : Taquet, Marc

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Akanthepsilonema oceanopolis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Epsilonematidae), a new free-living marine nematode from the Condor Seamount (North-East Atlantic Ocean)
Auteur(s) : Zeppilli, Daniela Bongiorni, Lucia Decraemer, Wilfrida Vanreusel, Ann

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Détection satellitaire et modélisation opérationnelle de la production végétale non-fixée dans la bande côtière bretonne ; Remote sensing and operationnal modelling of non-fixed algal production on the French Brittany coastal shelf
Auteur(s) : Penard, Cédric

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Historique de la contamination des sédiments littoraux des Antilles françaises par la chlordécone (ChloSed)
Auteur(s) : Robert, Serge

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Approche écologique et écophysiologique de l’effet des variations saisonnières sur la croissance des arbres dans les forêts côtières inondables des Antilles ; Ecophysiological and ecological approach to the effects of seasonal variations on the growth of trees in flood coastal forests of the West Indies
Auteur(s) : Bompy, Félix
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Dulormne, Maguy Imbert, Daniel Koedam, Nico

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Concentrations and fractionation of carbon, iron, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus in mangrove sediments along an intertidal gradient (semi-arid climate, New Caledonia)
Auteur(s) : Deborde, Jonathan Marchand, Cyril Molnar, Nathalie Della Patrona, Luc Meziane, Tarik

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Etude de la complexité de la gestion des espaces publics à vocation de transport à Dakar (Sénégal)
Auteur(s) : Wade, Cheikh Samba Tremblay, Rémy Ndiaye, El Hadji Mamadou

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