104 documents satisfont la requête.
Ruins of old Moravian Mission Station, New Hernhut, St. Thomas Partager

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Colonial Bank and Main Street, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas Partager

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Huge coal crane laid low by the hurricane of 1916
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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Communal school building, St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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Commander Pollock reading President Wilson's first proclamation
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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Cross-section of aboriginal mount, Magen's Bay, St. Thomas Partager

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First view or Old Glory [U.S.A. flag], from the Fort
Auteur(s) : Hassell, A. B.

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Ruins of stairway, New Hernhut Moravian Mission Station, St. Thomas Partager

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Old residence and gateway, Charlotte Amalia Partager

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Commercial street, Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Newman, E. M.

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Wrecks in the harbor of Saint Thomas, after the late hurricane.
Auteur(s) : unknown

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Laborers excavating pre-historic deposits, Magen's Bay, St. Thomas Partager

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Firing time-gun battery on waterfront, Charlotte Amalia Partager

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Moravian church in Charlotte Amalie
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clare E.

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View of St. Thomas Harbor and Charlotte Amalia from Havensicht Hill (i.e., Havensight Hill) Partager

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View of Charlotte Armalia from Luchetti's Hill, St. Thomas ; View of Charlotte Amalia from Luchetti's Hill, St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Clarence

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Dock and wharves of the West Indian Company Partager

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Colonial council delegates from St. Thomas
Auteur(s) : Petersen, H.

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Grave ornamented with conch shells, St. Thomas Partager

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The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; Robinson Crusoe
Auteur(s) : Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834 ( Illustrator ) Cadell, Thomas, 1773-1836 ( Publisher ) Davies, William, d. 1820 ( Publisher ) Blackwood, William, 1776-1834 ( Publisher ) Heath, Charles, 1761-1831 ( Engraver ) McQueen, Benjamin ( Printer ) Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731

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