325 documents satisfont la requête.
Biology of the yellow-shouldered blackbird--Agelaius on a tropical island ; Yellow-shouldered blackbird
Auteur(s) : Post, William, 1937-

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Variation in floral fragrances and pollinators in the Gongora quinquenervis complex (Orchidaceae) in central Panama ; Gongora quinquenervis complex (Orchidadeae) in central Panama
Auteur(s) : Whitten, William Mark, 1954- ( Dissertant ) Williams, Norris H. ( Thesis advisor ) Stern, William Louis ( Reviewer ) Judd, Walter S. ( Reviewer ) Putz, Francis E. ( Reviewer ) Feinsinger, Peter ( Reviewer )

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Technical assistance program of forage research
Auteur(s) : Kalmbacher, R. S Ruegsegger, Gary University of Florida -- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

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A calendar of Rochambeau papers at the University of Florida Libraries
Auteur(s) : Monti, Laura Virginia Rochambeau, Donatien Marie Joseph de Vimeur, 1755-1813 University of Florida -- Libraries

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Policy and poverty alleviation in three communities in Yucatan, Mexico
Auteur(s) : Brodrecht, Anna

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50/50: Finding Myself withing Two Cultures
Auteur(s) : Iamiceli, Myda

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Updated: Glimpses from the Archive : Slides for the Panama Silver, Asian Gold : Migration, Money, and the Making of the Modern Caribbean Digital Humanities Course
Auteur(s) : Phillips, Richard F. McClure El Neil, Michelle Losch, Paul Rosenberg, Leah Thorat, Dhanashree

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The Religion to Beat: A Look at the Importance of Drums in Vodou, Shayna Finkelstein
Auteur(s) : Raitano, Megan

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Omeka Workshop Plan
Auteur(s) : Taylor, Laurie N. Santamaria-Wheeler, Lourdes Thorat, Dhanashree

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What Not To Do for Bed Bugs / Que No Hacer contra las Chinches ; Que No Hacer contra las Chinches
Auteur(s) : Oi, Faith M. 1963- Gillett-Kaufman, Jennifer Lynn Connor, Eddie Overline, Marty Taggart, Brian Witherington, Louis

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Variation and relationships of some Hispaniolan frogs (Leptodactylidae, Eleutherodactylus) of the ricordi group
Auteur(s) : Schwartz, Albert, 1923-1992

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Applications of Scapegoat Theory to Haitian Vodou, Emily Hanson
Auteur(s) : Raitano, Megan

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Translating the SobekCM Interface - Workbook with Spreadsheets Listing Terms in SobekCM for Localization and Translation
Auteur(s) : Sullivan. Mark V. Yellapantula, Suchitra

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Small farming systems in Las Cuevas watershed, Dominican Republic
Auteur(s) : Alvarez, Jose, 1940- Hildebrand, Peter E Nova, Josâe Antonio, 1947-

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The Caribbean at Mid-Century
Auteur(s) : Wilgus, A. Curtis

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