146 documents satisfont la requête.
Effet des conditions environnementales sur le développement des pathologies à Vibrio dans les élevages de crevettes en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Auteur(s) : Lemonnier, Hugues

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Research framework for the developpement of creole pig's niche lmarket in Martinique : a holistic approach" ; Cadre de recherches pour le développement du marché de niches du porc créole martinique : une apprache holistique
Auteur(s) : Gourdine, Jean-Luc
Année de publication :


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Les agriculteurs face au tourisme : quelle place pour le tourisme à la ferme en France?
Auteur(s) : Arlaud, Samuel Dehoorne, Olivier
Auteurs secondaires : Centre de Recherche en Economie, Gestion, Modélisation et Informatique Appliquée (CEREGMIA) ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) Lieux, Identités, eSpaces, Activités (LISA) ; Université Pascal Paoli (UPP) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Biodiversité, Risques Écologiques dans les Territoires Caraïbes Insulaires (BIORECA - UMR ESPECE DEV) ; Université des Antilles (Pôle Martinique) ; Université des Antilles (UA) - Université des Antilles (UA) Jean Soumagne

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Liaisons sulfureuses ? Problématiques et perspectives de l'évaluation par le jeu à l'ère du numérique ; Liaisons sulfureuses ? Problématiques et perspectives de l'évaluation par le jeu à l'ère du numérique
Auteur(s) : Silva Ochoa, Haydée Silva Ochoa, Haydée
Année de publication :


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Regards sur l'histoire. Rencontre-débat avec l'historien Gérard Noiriel
Auteur(s) : Milia-Marie-Luce, Monique Noiriel, Gérard
Auteurs secondaires : Gradel, Alice
Année de publication :


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Propionibacterium freudenreichii as potential adjuvant for chemotherapy in digestive cancers
Auteur(s) : Cousin, Fabien Brenner, C. Jouan-Lanhouet, S. Corcos, L. Theret, N. Rabot, Sylvie Jan, Gwenael Dimanche-Boitrel, Marie-Thérèse
Auteurs secondaires : Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'Oeuf (STLO) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - AGROCAMPUS OUEST UMR-S769 ; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11) Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Faculté de Pharmacie (URU 337) ; Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) UMR1078S-ECLA, Faculté de Médecine ; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé humaine (MICALIS) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - AgroParisTech

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Fond-des-Nègres au sud de la ferme-modèle
Auteur(s) : Direction Générale des Travaux Publics

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Ferme Ecole à Plaisance
Auteur(s) : Direction Générale des Travaux Publics

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Opération et plate-forme de transfert de technologie en proximité : outils clés pour stimuler un developpement local.
Auteur(s) : Joseph, Henry Rochefort, Katia Minatchy, Nathalie Farasmane, Louis
Année de publication :


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Dairy propionibacteria as potential adjuvant for chemotherapy in digestive cancers
Auteur(s) : Cousin, Fabien Brenner, C. Jouan-Lanhouet, S. Corcos, L. Theret, N. Dimanche Boitrel, M.T. Jan, Gwenael
Auteurs secondaires : Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'Oeuf (STLO) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - AGROCAMPUS OUEST UMR -S 769, Université Paris-Sud ; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Génétique, génomique fonctionnelle et biotechnologies ; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Université de Brest (UBO) - EFS

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Integrated RNA- and protein profiling of fermentation and respiration in diploid budding yeast provides insight into nutrient control of cell growth and development.
Auteur(s) : Becker, Emmanuelle Liu, Yuchen Lardenois, Aurélie Walther, Thomas Horecka, Joe Stuparevic, Igor Law, Michael J Lavigne, Régis
Auteurs secondaires : Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Stanford Genome Technology Center ; Stanford Genome Technology Center Rowan University, School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM) Biozentrum ; University of Basel (Unibas) Department of Genome Sciences [Seattle] (GS) ; University of Washington [Seattle] We thank Olivier Collin for providing us with access to the GenOuest bioinformatics infrastructure, Olivier Sallou for system administration, Emmanuelle Com for uploading the proteome data to the PRIDE repository, and Angelika Amon and Luke Edwin Berchowitz for tagged Rim4. Yuchen Liu was funded by a Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FDT20100920148) 4th year PhD fellowship. This work was supported by the grants National Institute of General Medical Studies (P41 GM103533) at the US National Institutes of Health to M. R. and Inserm AvenirR07216NS, and Région BretagneCREATE R11016NN awarded to M. P.

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Pitre ; Joseph Partager

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Dorade ; Rosette Partager

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Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc

From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> | From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places.">Plus