117 documents satisfont la requête.
Rerum medicarum novae Hispaniae thesaurus seu plantarum animalium mineralium mexicanorum historia ex Francisci Hernandez novi orbi medici primarii relationibus in ipsa mexicana urbe conscriptis a Nardo Antonio Reccho monte corvinate Cath. Majest. medico et Neap. Regni archiatro generali jussu Philippi II Hisp. ind. etc. regis collecta ac in ordinem digesta a Joanne Terrentio Lynceo Constantiense Germ. Ph.o ac medico notis illustrata... Quibus jam excussis accessere demum alia quorum omnium synopsis sequenti pagina ponitur. Opus duobus voluminibus divisum Philippo IIII. regi catholico magno....
Auteur(s) : Hernandez, Francisco (1515-1587)
Auteurs secondaires : Greuter, Johann Friedrich (1590-1662) Faber, Johann (1570-1640) Recchi, Nardo Antonio (1540-1595) Terentius, Joannes (1576-1630) Cesi, Federico (1585-1630) Colonna, Fabio (1567-1650)
Année de publication :


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The Life and voyages of Christopher Colombus ; together with the voyages of his companions (vol. 2)
Auteur(s) : Irving, Washington (1783-1859)
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Histoire militaire de la révolution de Saint-Domingue
Auteur(s) : Poyen-Bellisle, Henry de (1839-....)
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A voyage to the Demerary : containing a statistical account of the settlements there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and others contiguous rivers of Guyana
Auteur(s) : Bolingbroke, Henry (1785-1855)
Année de publication :


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Negro slavery, or A view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America and in the colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica
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Escapes from Cayenne
Auteur(s) : Chautard, Leon
Année de publication :


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Emancipation in the West Indies : a six months's tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in the year 1837
Auteur(s) : Thome, James Armstrong (1813-1873) Kimball, Joseph Horace (1813-1838)
Auteurs secondaires : American Anti-Slavery Society
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Les valeurs nationales et économiques du tourisme
Auteur(s) : Tessier, Albert
Année de publication :


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Antigua and the Antiguans: a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day, interspersed with anecdotes and legends : also, an impartial view of slavery and the free labour systems, the statistics of the island, and biographical notices of the principal families, Volume 1
Année de publication :


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A natural history of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America : with many other observations on nature and art : particularly, an introduction to the art of decyphering
Auteur(s) : Smith, William (17..-1... ; révérend)
Année de publication :


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Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, upon questions relating to Publics Rights, Duties, and Interests…
Auteur(s) : Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
Année de publication :


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Six months in the West Indies
Auteur(s) : Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1798-1843)
Année de publication :


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Colonies étrangères et Haïti : résultats de l'émancipation anglaise. Tome second, Colonies danoises; Haïti; Du droit de visite; Coup d'oeil sur l'état de la question d'affranchissement
Auteur(s) : Schoelcher, Victor (1804-1893)
Année de publication :


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The knockabout club in the Antilles and thereabouts
Auteur(s) : Ober, Frederick Albion (1849-1913)
Année de publication :


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Camps in the Caribbees : the adventures of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles
Auteur(s) : Ober, Frederick Albion (1849-1913)
Année de publication :


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Antigua and the Antiguans: a full account of the colony and its inhabitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day, interspersed with anecdotes and legends : also, an impartial view of slavery and the free labour systems, the statistics of the island, and biographical notices of the principal families, Volume 2
Année de publication :


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A treatise of the diseases most frequent in the West-Indies, and herein more particularly of those which occur in Barbadoes
Auteur(s) : Towne, Richard (1690-17..)
Année de publication :


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Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham, upon questions relating to Publics Rights, Duties, and Interests…
Auteur(s) : Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
Année de publication :


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Guiana : British, Dutch, and French
Auteur(s) : Rodway, James (1848-1926)
Année de publication :


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Domestic manners and social condition of the white, coloured, and negro population of the West Indies. Volume 2
Auteur(s) : Carmichael, A. C.
Année de publication :


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