13 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
La protection des milieux marins à la Martinique
Auteur(s) : Yvon, Christophe
Année de publication :


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Le changement climatique et ses implications économiques sur le secteur touristique à la Guadeloupe et à la Martinique (Petites Antilles)
Auteur(s) : Dupont, Louis

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Effet des conditions environnementales sur le développement des pathologies à Vibrio dans les élevages de crevettes en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Auteur(s) : Lemonnier, Hugues

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Tourists’ Weather Perceptions and Weather Related Behavior. A Qualitative Pilot Study with Holiday Tourists to Martinique
Auteur(s) : Lohmann, Martin C. Hübner, Anna

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Socio-economic and Climate Factors Associated with Dengue Fever Spatial Heterogeneity: A Worked Example in New Caledonia.
Auteur(s) : Teurlai, Magali Menkès, Christophe Eugène Cavarero, Virgil Degallier, Nicolas Descloux, Elodie Grangeon, Jean-Paul Guillaumot, Laurent Libourel Rouge, Thérèse
Auteurs secondaires : Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie ; Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur - Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie Espace pour le Développement (UMR ESPACE-DEV) ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de la Réunion - Université de Montpellier (UM) - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat : Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN) ; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) - Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC) - INSU - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Météo France UMR228 ESPACE-DEV ; Université des sciences et techniques Montpellier 2 - IRD Service médecine interne ; Centre Hospitalier Territorial de Noumea Direction des affaires sanitaires et sociales de Nouvelle-Calédonie Centro de ciencias exatas e da terra (CCET) ; Univesidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

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Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc

From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> | From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places.">Plus
Culture et traitement de l’erreur en mathématiques : une étude au lycée en Guadeloupe
Auteur(s) : Silvy, Christian ISSAIEVA, Elisabeth
Auteurs secondaires : Apprentissage, Didactique, Evaluation, Formation (ADEF) ; Aix Marseille Université (AMU) - INRP Centre de recherches et de ressources en éducation et formation (CRREF) ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)

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La réponse des forêts tropicales humides aux variations climatiques : évolution de la structure et de la dynamique des peuplements forestiers guyanais ; The response of tropical forests to climate variations : evolution of the structure and dynamic of the guianian forest populations.
Auteur(s) : Wagner, Fabien
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Hérault, Bruno Rossi, Vivien

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Valorisation de la banane Cavendish FWI pour l'obtention de molécules d'intérêts biologiques ; Valuation of Cavendish banana FWI for obtaining biological molecules of interest
Auteur(s) : Bruno Bonnet, Christelle
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Hiol, Abel Poucheret, Patrick

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Étude des déterminants géographiques et spatialisation des stocks de carbone des sols de la Martinique
Auteur(s) : Venkatapen, Corinne
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Dolique, Franck Blanchard, Éric

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Valorisation des données libres en épidémiologie : intérêt des études écologiques dans le domaine des maladies infectieuses ; Value of open data in epidemiology : using ecological studies in infectious epidemiology
Auteur(s) : Hanf, Matthieu
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Carme, Bernard Nacher, Mathieu

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