7 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Stability of spatial structures of demersal assemblages: a multitable approach
Auteur(s) : Gaertner, Jean-claude Chessel, Daniel Bertrand, Jacques

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Les engins de pêche passifs
Auteur(s) : George, Jean-paul Deschamps, Gerard

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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique
Auteur(s) : Laurec, Alain Charuau, Anatole Perodou, Jean-bernard Nedelec, Daniel Biseau, Alain Durand, Jean-louis Rivoalen, Jean-jacques Dupouy, Herve

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A fleet-metier based approach of the small scale fishing activity in the French West Indies
Auteur(s) : Guyader, Olivier Reynal, Lionel Demaneche, Sebastien Berthou, Patrick Daures, Fabienne

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Synthesis on moored FADs in the North West Pacific region
Auteur(s) : Kakuma, S

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The Fisheries Information System of Ifremer: a multidisciplinary monitoring network and an integrated approach for the assessment of French fisheries, including small-scale fisheries
Auteur(s) : Leblond, Emilie Daures, Fabienne Berthou, Patrick Dintheer, Christian

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Re-assessing the French small-scale coastal fisheries: from fleet activity to economic performance
Auteur(s) : Daures, Fabienne Van Iseghem, Sylvie Demaneche, Sebastien Leblond, Emilie Brigaudeau, Cecile Guyader, Olivier Berthou, Patrick

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