6 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Présentation avec vidéo de fouilles sous-marines réalisées aux Saintes (Guadeloupe)
Auteur(s) : Guibert, Jean-Sébastien
Année de publication :


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Des systèmes vidéo rotatifs pour étudier l'ichtyofaune : Applications à l’analyse des variations spatiales et temporelles dans le lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie
Auteur(s) : Mallet, Delphine

6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef."> | 6 months). The last part of this PhD is an application of rotating video techniques to the study of daily temporal variations of the ichthyofauna. Daily variations were observed depending on the time of day and the tidal state and typical patterns of variations have been described for some species groups. The outcomes of this work bring original insights of new techniques complementary to traditional techniques in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning and dynamic of coral reef.">Plus
Joint use of echosounding, fishing and video techniques to assess the structure of fish aggregations around moored Fish Aggregating Devices in Martinique (Lesser Antilles)
Auteur(s) : Doray, Mathieu Josse, E Gervain, P Reynal, Lionel Chantrel, Josselin

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Recent expansion of the slipper limpet population (Crepidula fornicata) in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Western Channel, France)
Auteur(s) : Blanchard, Michel

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L'agrégation de thons de sub-surface au sein du système [DCP ancré - macronecton - environnement - pêche] en Martinique : étude hiérarchique par méthodes acoustiques, optiques et halieutiques
Auteur(s) : Doray, Mathieu

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Observer, évaluer et suivre la biodiversité sous marine des lagons : Intérêt des techniques vidéo rotatives en haute dé:nition. Où en est-on en Nouvelle-Calédonie ?
Auteur(s) : Pelletier, Dominique Mallet, Delphine Roman, William Loubersac, Lionel

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