54 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Global marine primary production constrains fisheries catches
Auteur(s) : Chassot, Emmanuel Bonhommeau, Sylvain Dulvy, Nicholas K. Melin, Frederic Watson, Reg Gascuel, Didier Le Pape, Olivier

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A step toward the definition of ecological indicators of the impact of fishing on the fish assemblage of the Abore reef reserve (New Caledonia)
Auteur(s) : Amand, Marion Pelletier, Dominique Ferrari, Jocelyne Kulbicki, Michel

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Simulation of the combined effects of artisanal and recreational fisheries on a Mediterranean MPA ecosystem using a trophic model
Auteur(s) : Albouy, Camille Mouillot, David Rocklin, Delphine Culioli, Jean M. Le Loc'H, Francois Albouy, Camille Mouillot, David Rocklin, Delphine

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Évaluation et suivi de la biodiversité dans l’île de Moorea, Polynésie française : approche méthodologique appliquée aux écosystèmes terrestres et marins
Auteur(s) : Chevillotte, Hervé Meyer, Jean-Yves MELLADO-FORICHON, Tiscar Florence, Jacques EMMANUELLI, Esther HABERT, Élisabeth Galzin, René Ferraris, Jocelyne
Auteurs secondaires : IFI, MSI team; IRD, UMI 209 UMMISCO ; Modélisation et Simulation Informatique de systèmes complexes (MSI) ; IFI - IFI Délégation Régionale à la Recherche et à la Technologie en Polynésie Française (DRRT PF) ; Délégation Régionale à la Recherche et à la Technologie (DRRT) GEKKO études Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) CPIE Bassin de Thau Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD [France-Nord]) Laboratoire d'Excellence CORAIL (LabEX CORAIL) ; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) - École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) - Université de la Réunion (UR) - Université de la Polynésie Française (UPF) - Université de Nouvelle Calédonie - Institut d'écologie et environnement Centre de recherches insulaires et observatoire de l'environnement (CRIOBE) ; Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) - École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

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Profiling of androgen response in rainbow trout pubertal testis: relevance to male gonad development and spermatogenesis.
Auteur(s) : Rolland, Antoine, Lardenois, Aurélie Goupil, Anne-Sophie Lareyre, Jean-Jacques Houlgatte, Rémi Chalmel, Frédéric Le Gac, Florence
Auteurs secondaires : Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Transcriptional networks in gametogenesis and cancer ; Institut de recherche, santé, environnement et travail [Rennes] (Irset) ; Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) - Université d'Angers (UA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) - École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique [EHESP] (EHESP) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Laboratoire de Physiologie et Génomique des Poissons (LPGP) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes ( Biosit : Biologie - Santé - Innovation Technologique ) Institut du thorax [Nantes] ; Université de Nantes (UN) - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - Institut de Recherche en Santé de l'Université de Nantes (IRS-UN) AGENAE program, INRA-CIPA-OFIMER European community IFOP, French National Research Agency (ANR-06-GANI-014 "Spermgen"), European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), project LIFECYCLE European Project : 222719, EC:FP7:KBBE, FP7-KBBE-2007-2A, LIFECYCLE(2009)

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Marine Turtles, Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare in the Marine Ecosystems of the Caribbean Sea: A Discussion of Key Methodologies
Auteur(s) : S. Teelucksingh, Sonja Eckert, Scott A.L.D. Nunes, Paulo

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Spatial management of inshore areas: Theory and practice
Auteur(s) : Claudet, Joachim Roussel, S Pelletier, Dominique Rey Valette, Hélène

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Risk Management and Disaster Mitigation: A Case Study Applied to Haiti
Auteur(s) : G. Granvorka, Charley Saffache, Pascal

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Designing Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management, Biodiversity Conservation, and Climate Change Adaptation
Auteur(s) : Green, Alison L. Fernandes, Leanne Almany, Glenn Abesamis, Rene Mcleod, Elizabeth Aliño, Porfirio M. White, Alan T. Salm, Rod
Auteurs secondaires : The Nature Conservancy ; The Nature Conservancy Earth to Ocean Consulting Laboratoire d'Excellence CORAIL (LabEX CORAIL) ; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) - École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) - Université de la Réunion (UR) - Université de la Polynésie Française (UPF) - Université de Nouvelle Calédonie - Institut d'écologie et environnement Centre de recherches insulaires et observatoire de l'environnement (CRIOBE) ; Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) - École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Silliman University University of the Philippines Manila World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoralCoE) ; James Cook University (JCU)

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Do we protect biological originality in protected areas? A new index and an application to the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve
Auteur(s) : Mouillot, D Culioli, J Pelletier, Dominique Tomasini, J

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5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 - IOS2014 : Book of abstracts
Auteur(s) : ICES

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Étude sédimentologique et méiobenthos d'un écosystème lagunaire modifié par un récif artificiel à vocation aquacole : l'acadja
Auteur(s) : Guiral, D Gourbault, N Helleouet, Mn

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Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc

From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> | From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places.">Plus
Small-scale coastal fisheries in Europe. Final report
Auteur(s) : Guyader, Olivier Berthou, Patrick Koustikopoulos, C. Alban, Frederique Demaneche, Sebastien Gaspar, M Eschbaum, R Fahy, E

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