10 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Widespread active seepage activity on the Nile Deep Sea Fan (offshore Egypt) revealed by high-definition geophysical imagery
Auteur(s) : Dupre, Stephanie Woodside, John Klaucke, Ingo Mascle, Jean Foucher, Jean-paul

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Structure and Drivers of Cold Seep Ecosystems
Auteur(s) : Foucher, Jean-paul Westbrook, Graham K. Boetius, Antje Ceramicola, Silvia Dupre, Stephanie Mascle, Jean Mienert, Jurgen Pfannkuche, Olaf

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Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid seepage on an unstable margin: The case of the Central Nile deep sea fan
Auteur(s) : Bayon, Germain Loncke, L. Dupre, Stephanie Caprais, Jean-claude Ducassou, E. Duperron, Sebastien Etoubleau, Joel Foucher, Jean-paul

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Novel microbial communities of the Haakon Mosby mud volcano and their role as a methane sink
Auteur(s) : Niemann, H Losekann, T De Beer, D Elvert, M Nadalig, T Knittel, K Amann, R Sauter, E

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Ecosystem trends: evidence for agreement between fishers' perceptions and scientific information
Auteur(s) : Rochet, Marie-joelle Prigent, M Bertrand, Jacques Carpentier, Andre Coppin, Franck Delpech, Jean-paul Fontenelle, G Foucher, Eric

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High-resolution mapping of large gas emitting mud volcanoes on the Egyptian continental margin (Nile Deep Sea Fan) by AUV surveys
Auteur(s) : Dupre, Stephanie Buffet, G. Mascle, J. Foucher, Jean-paul Gauger, S. Boetius, A. Marfia, Christian

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Geophysical characterization of bottom simulating reflectors in the Fairway Basin (off New Caledonia, Southwest Pacific), based on high resolution seismic profiles and heat flow data
Auteur(s) : Nouze, Herve Cosquer, Emmanuel Collot, Julien Foucher, Jean-paul Klingelhoefer, Frauke Lafoy, Yves Geli, Louis

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56. Morphology and Basement Structures of the Goban Spur Continental Margin (Northeastern Atlantic) and the Role of the Pyrenean Orogeny
Auteur(s) : Sibuet, Jean-claude Mathis, B Pastouret, Léo Auzende, Jean-marie Foucher, Jean-paul Hunter, Peter Guennoc, P De Graciansky, Pc

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Changes in seabed morphology, mud temperature and free gas venting at the Håkon Mosby mud volcano, offshore northern Norway, over the time period 2003-2006
Auteur(s) : Foucher, Jean-paul Dupre, Stephanie Scalabrin, Carla Feseker, Tomas Harmegnies, Francois Nouze, Herve

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