18 documents satisfont la requête. Vérifiez les termes recherchés ou relancez la recherche sur le texte intégral
Les ressorts de l’essor de la société civile en Guadeloupe
Auteur(s) : Vairac, Murielle

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Les éruptions volcaniques historiques aux Petites Antilles : inventaire et spatialisation des impacts physiques et humains
Auteur(s) : Lalubie, Guillaume
Année de publication :


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Modélisation spatiale des systèmes de productions multi-espèces aux Antilles Françaises
Auteur(s) : Mantran, Murielle
Auteurs secondaires : CEREGMIA ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)

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Urban growth and natural hazards, in particular in mountainous areas of developing countries ; Croissance urbaine et risques naturels dans les montagnes des pays en développement
Auteur(s) : Thouret, Jean-Claude D'Ercole, Robert
Auteurs secondaires : Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP) Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) Association des Géographes Français Association de la Revue de Géographie Alpine (ARGA, Grenoble I) Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC) Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont II) Université des Antilles et de la Guyane CERAMAC (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées au Massif Central, à la moyenne montagne et aux espaces fragiles)

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Institutionnalisation de la protection environnementale et développement de l’artisanat minier dans les espaces sensibles de Madagascar
Auteur(s) : Canavésio, Rémy

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Suivi et évaluation de la pêche professionnelle au sein d'une Aire Marine Protégée : protocoles d'enquêtes et indicateurs de pression et d'impact. Application au Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue
Auteur(s) : Leleu, Kevin

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Mapping of population vulnerability to volcanic hazards and lahars of Mount Pinatubo (Philippines). Case study of Pasig-Potrero river basin (Pampanga province) ; Cartographie de la vulnérabilité aux phénomènes volcaniques et aux lahars du Pinatubo(Philippines). Cas du bassin de la rivière Pasig-Potrero (Province de Pampanga)
Auteur(s) : Gaillard, Jean-Christophe D'Ercole, Robert Leone, Frédéric
Auteurs secondaires : Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry]) Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)

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Usages de la forêt par les populations d'Iracoubo (Guyane Française) : quelle place dans l'aménagement des forêts domaniales ?
Auteur(s) : Sordet, Fabien
Auteurs secondaires : Ecologie des forêts de Guyane (ECOFOG) ; Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF) - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et Forêts Centre National d'Etudes Agronomiques des Régions Chaudes Jacques Plan Georges Smektala

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Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc

From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> | From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places.">Plus
Urban growth and natural hazards (especially in developing countries) ; Croissance urbaine et risques naturels (en particulier dans les pays en développement)
Auteur(s) : D'Ercole, Robert Thouret, Jean-Claude
Auteurs secondaires : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP) Association des Géographes Français Association de la Revue de Géographie Alpine (ARGA, Grenoble I) Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC) Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont II) CERAMAC (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées au Massif Central, à la moyenne montagne et aux espaces fragiles) CIFEG

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Les surmortalités des naissains d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas - journée d'information et d'échanges du 18 janvier 2012 Partager

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Coastal uses in the Marine Nature Reserve of La Réunion ; Fréquentation et usages littoraux dans la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion ; Coastal uses in the Marine Nature Reserve of La Réunion : Elaboration of a uses monitoring survey and its contribution to management and interdisciplinary research ; Fréquentation et usages littoraux dans la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion : Élaboration d'un suivi pour l'analyse des dynamiques spatio-temporelles et apports de l'outil à la gestion et la recherche interdisciplinaire
Auteur(s) : Lemahieu, Anne
Auteurs secondaires : Laboratoire de géographie physique (LGP) ; Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1) - Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut de géographie sorbonne I, IV, Espace pour le Développement (UMR ESPACE-DEV) ; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) - Université de la Réunion - Université de Montpellier (UM) Contrat Doctoral de l'université Paris 1 Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne Franck Lavigne Gwenaëlle Pennober

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L'agrotourisme en Poitou-Charentes
Auteur(s) : Dehoorne, Olivier
Auteurs secondaires : Centre de Recherche en Economie, Gestion, Modélisation et Informatique Appliquée (CEREGMIA) ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG) Lieux, Identités, eSpaces, Activités (LISA) ; Université Pascal Paoli (UPP) - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

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Les sports de nature dans le Parc national de la Guadeloupe : des conflits potentiels au potentiel de coopération
Auteur(s) : Lahaye, Nathalie

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Conséquence de la création de la zone économique exclusive sur les résultats d'exploitation et le recrutement de la pêcherie crevettière de la Guyane Française
Auteur(s) : Dintheer, Christian

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Gestion de crise et aide internationale après le séisme du 12 janvier à Port-au-Prince Haïti, toujours dans l’urgence ! (Témoignage)
Auteur(s) : Pierre, Jean-Philippe

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L’exploitation du Raphia dans la forêt marécageuse Hlanzoun : entre contribution au développement socio-économique et dégradation des ressources naturelles
Auteur(s) : Alladatin, Judicaël

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Le régime juridique de prévention et de réparation des risques naturels majeurs face aux exigences de justice sociale : le cas des Antilles francaises ; The legal system of prevention and repairs of major natural hazards confronted with the requirements of social and environmental justice : The case of the French West Indies
Auteur(s) : Coco, Roger
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Breton, Jean-Marie

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