110 documents satisfont la requête.
Passive Margin Development. A Consequence of Specific Convection Patterns in a Variable Viscosity Upper Mantle
Auteur(s) : Meissner, R

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Novel microbial communities of the Haakon Mosby mud volcano and their role as a methane sink
Auteur(s) : Niemann, H Losekann, T De Beer, D Elvert, M Nadalig, T Knittel, K Amann, R Sauter, E

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Environmental noise in spawning areas: the case of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
Auteur(s) : Royer, Francois Fromentin, Jean-marc

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La dynamique des pêches côtières du pays bigouden
Auteur(s) : Charuau, Anatole

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Mercury in the Lot-Garonne River system (France): Sources, fluxes and anthropogenic component
Auteur(s) : Schafer, Jörg Blanc, Gerard Audry, S Cossa, Daniel Bossy, C

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Probiotic effect of FLOC on Vibrios in the pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei
Auteur(s) : Aguilera-rivera, Diana Prieto-davo, Alejandra Escalante, Karla Chavez, Cristina Cuzon, Gerard Gaxiola, Gabriela

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Probiotic P-acidilactici application in shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris culture subject to vibriosis in New Caledonia
Auteur(s) : Castex, Mathieu Chim, Liet Pham, Dominique Lemaire, Pierrette Wabete, Nelly Nicolas, Jean-louis Schmidely, P Mariojouls, C

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Potential Effect of Freshwater Virus on the Structure and Activity of Bacterial Communities in the Marennes-Oléron Bay (France)
Auteur(s) : Auguet, Jean-christophe Montanie, Helene Hartmann, Hans Lebaron, P. Casamayor, E. O. Catala, P. Delmas, Daniel

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Comparison of spaceborne measurements of sea surface salinity and colored detrital matter in the Amazon plume
Auteur(s) : Fournier, Severine Chapron, Bertrand Salisbury, J. Vandemark, Douglas Reul, Nicolas

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L'énergie thermique des mers
Auteur(s) : Marchand, Philippe

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The major outer membrane protein OmpU of Vibrio splendidus contributes to host antimicrobial peptide resistance and is required for virulence in the oyster Crassostrea gigas
Auteur(s) : Duperthuy, Marylise Binesse, Johan Le Roux, Frederique Romestand, Bernard Caro, Audrey Got, Patrice Givaudan, Alain Mazel, Didier

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Phosphorus forms related to sediment grain size and geochemical characteristics in French coastal areas
Auteur(s) : Andrieux-loyer, Françoise Aminot, Alain

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Mise au point technique de l'élevage de l'ombrine Sciaenops ocellata à la Martinique
Auteur(s) : Soletchnik, Patrick Goyard, Emmanuel Thouard, Emmanuel

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On the variability of yellow substance in the skagerrak and the kattegat
Auteur(s) : Karabashev, Gs Khanaev, Sa Kuleshov, Af

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Reproductive performance, biochemical composition and fatty acid profile of wild-caught and 2nd generation domesticated Farfantepenaeus duorarum (Burkenroad, 1939) broodstock
Auteur(s) : Emerenciano, Mauricio Cuzon, Gerard Mascaro, Maite Arevalo, Miguel Norena-barroso, Elsa Jeronimo, Gilberto Racotta, Ilie Gaxiola, Gabriela

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On the influence of dissolved organic-matter on remote-sensing of chlorophyll in the straits of skagerrak and kattegat
Auteur(s) : Karabashev, Gs

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Pathogenicity of Vibrio penaeicida or white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: a cysteine protease-like exotoxin as a virulence factor
Auteur(s) : Aguirre Guzman, G Ascencio, F Saulnier, Denis

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Effect of lipid level in a compound diet on the development of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae
Auteur(s) : Buchet, Vincent Zambonino, Jose-luis Cahu, Chantal

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The importance and distinctiveness of small-sized phytoplankton in the Magellan Straits
Auteur(s) : Zingone, Adriana Sarno, Diana Siano, Raffaele Marino, Donato

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Genetic structure of the reef grouper Epinephelus merra in the West Indian Ocean appears congruent with biogeographic and oceanographic boundaries
Auteur(s) : Muths, Delphine Tessier, Emmanuel Bourjea, Jerome

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