526 documents satisfont la requête.
Les apports nutritionnels des océans, à l'exclusion des vertébrés (poissons, reptiles, mammifères)
Auteur(s) : Laubier, Lucien

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Evaluation et comparaison de deux modes de production contrastés pratiqués en zone tropicale : la conduite à l’auge vs la conduite au pâturage
Auteur(s) : Agastin, Aurélie
Auteurs secondaires : Antilles-Guyane Marianne-Pépin, Thérèse Boval, Maryline

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Etude en bassin des modèles réduits de chalut - 2e partie
Auteur(s) : Libert, Louis Portier, Marcel

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Observer, évaluer et suivre la biodiversité sous marine des lagons : Intérêt des techniques vidéo rotatives en haute dé:nition. Où en est-on en Nouvelle-Calédonie ?
Auteur(s) : Pelletier, Dominique Mallet, Delphine Roman, William Loubersac, Lionel

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Qualité du milieu marin littoral. Synthèse nationale de la surveillance Edition 2010
Auteur(s) : Marchand, Michel Amouroux, Isabelle Bedier, Edouard Belin, Catherine Claisse, Didier Daniel, Anne Denis, Jacques Lampert, Luis

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Contrat de Plan Etat Région Poitou-Charentes 1994-1998. Convention 95 RPC R 62 - Programme Pathologie - Rapport Scientifique année 1995
Auteur(s) : Renault, Tristan Berthe, Franck Chollet, Bruno Cochennec, Nathalie Haffner, Philippe Le Deuff, Rose-marie Thuillier, Benoit

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Données économiques maritimes françaises 1998
Auteur(s) : Kalaydjian, Regis Kalaydjian, Regis

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CNEXO - Rapport annuel 1982 Partager

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Les facteurs à l’origine de la mise en place d’un Transport en Commun en Site Propre (TCSP) dans l’agglomération de Fort-de-France (Martinique)
Auteur(s) : Pélis, Yoann Saffache, Pascal Ranély Vergé-Dépré, Colette

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Auteur(s) : Freiss, Michel
Auteurs secondaires : Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Lettres, Langues, Arts et Sciences Humaines (CRILLASH) ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)

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Perspectives d'exploitation d'espèces nouvelles : la pêche au vivaneau
Auteur(s) : Tous, Philippe

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Age and growth of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atianticus) caught under moored fish aggregating devices, around Martinique Island
Auteur(s) : Doray, Mathieu Stequert, Bernard Taquet, Marc

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Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc

From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places."> | From the commented farm results over a 20 year period, we could distinguish the principal factors responsible for the drop of grow-out capacity of some ponds. We have outlined a conceptual description of the different parameters leading to the decrease of survival, an epidemiological scenario and a synoptic table of the history of events and their relative severity. The study draws the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of positive factors, which could have led back to satisfying production results: a physical and biochemical restoration of pond bottoms, a modified and standardized grow-out management, an appropriate pumping capacity and the come back of adequate climatic conditions. This case study illustrates the concept of « flexibility » of the farming capacity and the sustainability of prawn farming in New Caledonia. The clear objective of this 20 year historic investigation was to get relevant information, in order to improve the understanding on the "summer syndrome" which hits two farms at the moment, and to participate in the hypothesis under study by the DAC (2005). We also tried to make the new farmers aware of the fragility of the pond ecosystem, and give some common-sense advices in the hope that such problems will not happen again in other places.">Plus
L’égalité d’accès à la lecture : quels enjeux pour les sites isolés de l’intérieur de la Guyane française ?
Auteur(s) : Bitegue Dit Manga, Blaise

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L’élevage de la crevette bleue en Nouvelle -Calédonie
Auteur(s) : Della Patrona, Luc Brun, Pierre Peignon, Jean-marie

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Une destination « non touristique » à la mode : la région d’Aysén, en Patagonie chilienne
Auteur(s) : Michel, Franck

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La sécurité, un enjeu de développement des croisières (1975 – 2010) ?
Auteur(s) : Lescure, Jean-Claude

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La biosécurité à l'Ifremer LEAD,station de Saint-Vincent
Auteur(s) : Herlin, Jose

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La pêche du vivaneau rouge en Guyane. Un bilan de l'exploitation sous le régime vénézuélien, des techniques de capture à adapter et à développer
Auteur(s) : Rivot, Etienne Charuau, Anatole Rose, Joel Achoun, Joseph

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A propos d'une espèce de paradoneis (polychète paraonidale) nouvelle pour la méditerranée occidentale
Auteur(s) : Laubier, Lucien

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