65 documents satisfont la requête.
Changes in the catch composition of artisanal fisheries attributable to dolphin depredation in a Mediterranean marine reserve
Auteur(s) : Rocklin, Delphine Santoni, Marie-catherine Culioli, Jean-michel Tomasini, Jean-antoine Pelletier, Dominique Mouillot, David

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Using cognitive maps to investigate fishers' ecosystem objectives and knowledge
Auteur(s) : Prigent, Magali Fontenelle, Guy Rochet, Marie-joelle Trenkel, Verena

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Considering multiple-species attributes to understand better the effects of successive changes in protection status on a coral reef fish assemblage
Auteur(s) : Preuss, Bastien Pelletier, Dominique Wantiez, Laurent Letourneur, Yves Sarramegna, Sebastien Kulbicki, Michel Galzin, Rene Ferraris, Jocelyne

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Evidence for intense REE scavenging at cold seeps from the Niger Delta margin
Auteur(s) : Bayon, Germain Birot, Dominique Ruffine, Livio Caprais, Jean-claude Ponzevera, Emmanuel Bollinger, C. Donval, Jean-pierre Charlou, Jean-luc

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Herbivorous fishes and the potential of Caribbean marine reserves to preserve coral reef ecosystems
Auteur(s) : Kopp, Dorothee Bouchon-navaro, Yolande Louis, Max Mouillot, David Bouchon, Claude

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Fishery externalities and biodiversity: Trade-offs between the viability of shrimp trawling and the conservation of Frigatebirds in French Guiana
Auteur(s) : Martinet, Vincent Blanchard, Fabian

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A general framework for indicator design and use with application to the assessment of coastal water quality and marine protected area management
Auteur(s) : Beliaeff, Benoit Pelletier, Dominique

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Do we protect biological originality in protected areas? A new index and an application to the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve
Auteur(s) : Mouillot, D Culioli, J Pelletier, Dominique Tomasini, J

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Differential biomagnification of PCB, PBDE, Hg and Radiocesium in the food web of the European hake from the NW Mediterranean
Auteur(s) : Harmelin-vivien, Mireille Bodiguel, Xavier Charmasson, Sabine Loizeau, Veronique Mellon, Capucine Tronczynski, Jacek Cossa, Daniel

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A dynamic and mechanistic model of PCB bioaccumulation in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
Auteur(s) : Bodiguel, Xavier Maury, Olivier Mellon-duval, Capucine Roupsard, Francois Le Guellec, Anne-marie Loizeau, Veronique

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La protection de l'environnement marin par les Nations-Unies - programme d'activités pour les mers régionales
Auteur(s) : Falicon, M

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Eutrophication in a tropical pond: Understanding the bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics during a vibriosis outbreak using flow cytometric analyses
Auteur(s) : Lucas, Ronan Courties, C. Herbland, Alain Goulletquer, Philippe Marteau, Anne-laure Lemonnier, Hugues

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Effect of nursery habitat degradation on flatfish population: Application to Solea solea in the Eastern Channel (Western Europe)
Auteur(s) : Rochette, S. Rivot, Etienne Morin, Jocelyne Mackinson, S. Riou, Philippe Le Pape, Olivier

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Molecular identification of Vibrio tapetis, the causative agent of the brown ring disease of Ruditapes philippinarum
Auteur(s) : Paillard, Christine Gausson, Sabrina Nicolas, Jean-louis Le Pennec, Jean Paul Haras, Dominique

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Réflexion sur les perspectives de recherche en matière d'analyse des systèmes de gestion
Auteur(s) : De Verdelhan, Claude Gros, Philippe Catanzano, Joseph

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Le fond des mers - patrimoine commun de l'humanité
Auteur(s) : Piquemal, Alain

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Oceanic survival and movements of wild and captive-reared immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Indian Ocean
Auteur(s) : Pelletier, Dominique Roos, David Ciccione, Stéphane

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Evaluation of the bioeconomic sustainability of multi-species multi-fleet fisheries under a wide range of policy options using ISIS-Fish
Auteur(s) : Pelletier, Dominique Mahevas, Stephanie Drouineau, Hilaire Vermard, Youen Thebaud, Olivier Guyader, Olivier Poussind, Benjamin

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Detoxification enhancement in the gymnodimine-contaminated grooved carpet shell, Ruditapes decussatus (Linne)
Auteur(s) : Medhioub, Walid Gueguen, Marielle Lassus, Patrick Bardouil, Michele Truquet, Philippe Sibat, Manoella Nejib, Medhioub Philippe, Soudant

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In situ record of sedimentary processes near the Rhone River mouth during winter events (Gulf of Lions, Mediterranean Sea)
Auteur(s) : Marion, C. Dufois, Francois Arnaud, Mireille Vella, C.

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